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181 votes
7 answers

Why was "An Update to our Community and an Apology" deleted?

Recently, Sara Chipps posted her message Update: an agreement with Monica Cellio. After reading it, I wanted to compare it with her previous post about this subject. It turns out that she deleted it. ...
José Carlos Santos's user avatar
62 votes
8 answers

How can one appropriately and constructively criticize or complain about a Stack Exchange employee on Meta Stack Exchange?

Related: Is this an appropriate place to call for the resignation of an SO employee? In an answer to the question above, Shog9 ♦ mentioned that calling for a staff member's immediate removal can be ...
Robert Columbia's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Can employees please provide some indication that a lower-priority request is being looked into or has been internally reported?

This is not a duplicate of Can we have a guaranteed pipeline for responses from Stack Exchange?. That specifically refers to high-profile requests that receive a lot of votes, and the answer there ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar