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Haven't Received Any Email on Watched Tags Ever [duplicate]

I wonder if this is a broken functionality just on the stack exchange that I'm part of. I've subscribed to and I have three watched tags solidity parity and ethereum-classic ...
Yaz Ȼlassic's user avatar
21 votes
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My favorite tags are alphabetized now

Recently my favorite tags have become sorted alphabetically, not in the order I've added them. This happened on several sites of StackExchange where I had favorite tags. It's very comfortable to ...
Vadim Ovchinnikov's user avatar
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Favorite tags in new navigation, everything is white

As a followup to my question yesterday, now I can get my favorite tags to work correctly from the drop-down. However, now questions which match multiple tags don't get colored. Looking at just C++, ...
Barry's user avatar
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Favorite Tags Selection Doesn't Match

I am trying to make a repro for a question by having no favorite tags, go to the page (filter:favorite tags) and refreshing the page. But after deleting my favorite tags and refreshing the page, it ...
Anthony Pham's user avatar
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Wildcarded favorite tags don't show up in the favorite tags filter

In the new navigation, the 'new' tab, when you choose the 'favorite tags' filter, it brings up my non-wildcarded favorite tags, but doesn't bring up my wildcarded ones.
Lance Roberts's user avatar
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Favorite tag question highlighting not working in some cases

Ever since I've been using SO, I've always 'known' questions that have a favorite tag to become highlighted (their background becomes yellow in the selection list). However, recently I noticed one of ...
Necrolis's user avatar
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93 views favorite tags do not highlight

I added jQuery a little while ago to my favorite tags, and since then it has never highlighted the posts with jQuery as a tag. Is this a bug, or am I missing something.
Matt R's user avatar
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7 votes
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Review favorite tags - counterintuitive behaviour

In the "review" section there is a list of tags on the right side. If you click it, the reviewable questions/answers get filtered. Right underneath is the list of favorite tags, but if you click it ...
magnattic's user avatar
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Background color for questions

I have the C# tag as an interest of mine. It seems like in the last few days, questions with that day are not showing as orange. If the have another one of my interested tags (like .NET) then they ...
Bryan's user avatar
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'Interesting Tag' question highlighting is patchy

Seems very 'dupey' - but if I click through to look at questions for my interesting tags, the highlighting is patchy to non-existent. Stack Overflow, Safari or Firefox, Mac OS X.
martin clayton's user avatar
4 votes
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Where did the yellow background of interesting tags go?

Let's have a look at a screenshot I just made: Until now, when viewing a page containing questions marked with an ‘interesting tag’, all questions got a nice, soothing yellow background to let me ...
Marcel Korpel's user avatar
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Unanswered and Interesting tags not working right

When I'm in the Unanswered Tab and click on a tag in Interesting Tags it takes me back to questions instead of adding it to the Unanswered Tags link. Link of c++ in the normal tagbar: https://...
Alien_SM's user avatar
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Tag menu in main screen

On the home page, there is no tag-submenu (add to interesting/add to ignore) - it is only visible on tag view. Why is this so?
Daniel Mošmondor's user avatar
5 votes
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Flagging tags as interesting tags from multiple browser leads to weird behavior

Sorry for the weird title. I'll explain what happened. I had a bunch of tabs opened in Chrome and added different tags as interesting in each of them. I expected the tags to accumulate so all of them ...
mafu's user avatar
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3 answers

Query on tag with wildcard doesn’t match tags with a number

The interesting tag [ejb*] (<- that's a link) should match [ejb] and [ejb3] but does only match [ejb]. The interesting tag [jee*] (<- that's a link) should match [jee5] and [jee6] but doesn't ...
Pascal Thivent's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I show all WPF tagged questions?

On, when I add "WPF" as an interesting tag, and then click it, it briefly shows the questions and then the page goes blank. Note that this does not happen when clicking any of the ...
Adam Kane's user avatar
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Is there a limit for max number of tags viewed at once?

I have a rather large list of interesting tags, and when i try to use a Greasemonkey extension (forget what it is) to view all of my interesting tags at once, i get an HTTP 400 request error invalid. ...
RCIX's user avatar
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Occasional bug with Interesting tags?

This is something that I've seen a few times this week, but it seems to go away by itself after a while. Clicking on an Interesting tag takes me to the Featured list for that tag sometimes, when ...
MartW's user avatar
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Is it possible to mark the same tag as "Interesting" and "Ignored"?

Can you mark the same tag as both interesting and ignored? If you can, what is the resulting appearance of a question with that tag?
user avatar
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Single character tag autocomplete for interesting tags

The single character URL problem seems fixed, but when trying to add a single character tag (I tried "r" and "c"), the autocomplete does not show it. As written by Eric, it doesn't stop me from adding ...
Christoph's user avatar
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