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41 votes
1 answer

Where did the "helpful flags" go?

I just noticed that I can no longer see the number of helpful flags on other users' profiles. They used to be shown for all users (only clickable when someone is viewing their own profile). However, ...
41686d6564's user avatar
  • 15.3k
9 votes
1 answer

Where did the age go on the network profile?

Ever since the profile redo, the age was shown in the network profile, but not in the per-site profiles. So if someone wanted to see the age, they had to go to the network profile. However.. It's ...
Mithical's user avatar
  • 84.5k
8 votes
1 answer

Change to profile not propagating to all Stack Exchange communities

I have just been on Stack Overflow and changed my profile, then clicked: Save and copy changes to all Stack Exchange communities But although the changes pick up on some communities (Super User) ...
user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Profile views no longer updated?

I don't think my profile views are working since the update - has this been reported? I've noticed that my profile views are frozen on my and my friends' English Language & Usage and Stack ...
Kristina Lopez's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

My Stack Overflow Careers profile disappeared after an account merge

I had two accounts on Stack Overflow. After they were merged, my Stack Overflow Careers profile disappeared. Here is my landing page, but without profile:
Damjan Pavlica's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Open source contribution is hidden on careers profile

I've contributed to the MongoDB C# driver and it's hidden on my careers profile since "We couldn't find any commits you've made to this project" I've realized that I probably made a mistake and used ...
i3arnon's user avatar
  • 779
21 votes
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Please delete user 2763826 [closed]

As it is not possible to flag users, I'm creating a post here to draw moderator attention to this user: The "highlights" are: Hateful name ...
Alex Shesterov's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Is it necessary to make a careers profile public for employers to view it?

I created a profile on Careers 2.0. I have applied to a few positions through Careers 2.0. Each application has a View Profile link. But I see that the counter for employer views in my profile is ...
3d-indiana-jones's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How do I edit my profile on Careers?

I know that may be strange but I can't seem to find a way to edit my Careers profile. Some sections are missing I guess, when I click on "Add a personal statement" or "Add some technologies you like" ...
raz3r's user avatar
  • 131
26 votes
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Profile page throws error (or how MSO learned to stop worrying and gave the ultimate tribute to the user "the Unhandled Exception") [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Oops! Something Bad Happened to my user profile! When I go to my MSO profile page I see this totally awesome and fitting tribute to myself: While I am honored that the SE ...
The Unhandled Exception's user avatar
16 votes
2 answers

Highlighting of new rep broken again?

Is the highlighting of the new rep on the profile page broken again or is it just me? See also this related question I asked a while back:
PeeHaa's user avatar
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3 votes
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Careers - profile views counter reset to 0?

I just took a look at the my profile page on careers and the number of views is 0 for all breakdowns (views, today, week and month). It wasn't like that yesterday...
Oded's user avatar
  • 155k
50 votes
2 answers

New profile format: How do we get the "alerts" back?

I noticed that the format of the user page changed today. In the old format, next to the "reputation" and "response" headers there would be a number (highlighted in red) telling you the number of new ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Careers - can't save my details

Using this URL... I can't save my details, and there is no reason (validation messages) as to why.
digiguru's user avatar
  • 369
4 votes
2 answers

Today is missing

I saw I had got 20 rep, and clicked on the reputation link in the dropdown. The reputation tab in my profile isn't showing Today at all, no way, no how. It showed up with next upvote, but the 20 is ...
Lance Roberts's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

The "Your flagging history" block uses the plural when the number of flags is 1

The phrase should be "1 is waiting for review."
avpaderno's user avatar
  • 67.1k
1 vote
1 answer

Unable to create Careers profile

Hi, I've tried to create my Careers profile a few times, and I'm always getting the following error message: Hmm, that email already exists on another account. You will need to log out of your ...
Derek Park's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Unable to access my global SE profile

When I am logged into, I try clicking on my name at the top bar and I'm taken to a page that directs me to where I might find pandas (Page Not Found) (link). As a side note, I look ...
Jeff's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Is the related accounts tab on our user profiles broken?

When I view the Accounts tab on my profile I get the following error message: Related Accounts Couldn't match accounts across our network of websites: The remote server returned an error: (500) ...
Kev's user avatar
  • 19.3k
29 votes
3 answers

Why can I only change my Stack Overflow name once every 30 days?

I have a profile on Stack Overflow. I recently decided to change the name on my profile. I did this, but I made a spelling mistake! I wrote "Kryton" instead of "Kryten"! When I tried to fix this, a ...
Kryten's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

How can i link my UserProfile on my personal homepage?

I want to put a link to my SO profile on my homepage. I remember a codesnippet i saw somewhere that would basically display my Username and my reputation. Where was that?
Johannes Rudolph's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Space between anchor tag href and title attributes in profile gets removed upon display

The space between href and title in anchor tag in profile gets removed when the profile html is edited; subsequent save will cause the html to be invalid and the tags will get stripped out. The ...
Jeff Widmer's user avatar