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Close voters can be seen by those without the privilege to do so [duplicate]

This is what I see from my account (which has the close vote privilege): It says "Viewable by the post author and users with the close/reopen votes privilege," yet this is not true. Here is ...
Joshua Varghese's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How does a <3000 rep user cast a close vote on their own question? [duplicate]

A question on The Workplace - Boss expects me to attend meetings I was never informed about? - was recently put on hold, but something looked funny in the close votes: The author has less than the 3,...
Jay's user avatar
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81 votes
5 answers

How Do I Opt Out of Privileges?

According to multiple mods, gold badge holders can now unilaterally close questions as duplicates. I hold seven gold badges for tags on SO, which means I can, on my own, close questions as duplicates ...
CommonsWare's user avatar
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Is there a council of the elders? [duplicate]

When a question is put "on hold", I verified three or four times (when my answer was ready), most of the "close" voters seem to be rather older programmers. It's not that I'm interested, but I can see ...
Liviu's user avatar
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How much reputation is required to see close vote counts?

How much reputation is required to see close vote counts? Edit: With a background on the MSO question Separate numbers/score for positive and negative votes for each question or answer I was told ...
bernd_k's user avatar
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Is the explanation of “view close votes” misleading? states: How do I view close votes and reasons? Click on the close or reopen link under the question body. And it seems that it requires 250 ...
marenostrum's user avatar