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body:"apples oranges"
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Use this tag for requests for assistance with tools and other features on the Stack Exchange Network. This includes understanding how features work and why they work that way, or how to better use them.

16 votes
3 answers

Why is Stack Overflow suddenly orange (#FFEFC6)?

Stack Overflow got orange background color on my Opera browser as of today. I already tried upgrading Opera to version 11, but the issue remains. Is this a bug or a feature? I should mention that on …
fredoverflow's user avatar
1 vote

Having trouble to connect to the chat

Anyone else having trouble accessing the chat? For me, it's the other way around: I have constantly trouble at home, but never at work so far. Now that I think about it, I could just connect via …
fredoverflow's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why doesn't my question show up?

This question is invisible in the C++ section, but visible in the C++0x section. What gives?
fredoverflow's user avatar
2 votes

Please retag from [adl] to [argument-dependent-lookup]

Okay done, but apparently I do not have enough power to edit the Wiki. Anyone?
fredoverflow's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Can down-votes cause badge-loss? [duplicate]

If I down-vote an answer that currently has a score of 10, 25 or 100, does the user lose his "nice answer", "good answer" or "great answer" badge?
fredoverflow's user avatar