Add another feature to markdown for questions and answers wherein the author identifies character sequences as being indexed and searchable. CSV within braces, {}, would be used to define sequences such that their occurance in the article's code segments would cause the instances to be indexed and searchable.
This markdown would not be displayed but would index the equal-sign, plus-plus and semi-colons in the code fragment:
my i = 0;
Then a later markdown would change the sequences to tilde-tilde and at-sign.
my @results = grep {match_test($_)} @list;
This was provoked by SO answer, @array ~~ $scalar is true when $scalar is in @array
Then in non-code sections double braces, {{}}, around any text instances would indicate the enclosed sequence is to be indexed and searchable. This sentence is making a made up reference to the {{~~}} in the above Perl fragment. The double braces will cause the tilde-tilde to be indexed and searchable.
. Unbelievable. Maybe now, when Jeff is not part of the team someone could reconsider this problem...code:"==="
still works.