Shog, I first heard of you many years ago when I started being active on SE. Anyone who came anywhere near meta would inevitably stumble upon one of your many thoughtful, insightful and just damned fun posts. You were instrumental in setting the tone of SE and defining the way we, the community, interacted with the company. You affected me long before we ever had any sort of contact.
When I became a mod, you were the ideal I was aspiring to. I wished that one day, this little mod would grow into a full blown Shog. I would watch you handle tricky issues and upset users with a wisdom and grace I couldn't come close to matching. Wisdom is a word that is overused, but you have consistently displayed it in its most literal sense:
1a: ability to discern inner qualities and relationships : INSIGHT
b: good sense : JUDGMENT
If I had to choose one word to describe you, I would go for wise. And yes, I am well aware that you are way too young for that, one has no right to be called wise until hitting at least 80. Nevertheless, that is the word I would choose.
Thank you. Thank you for all the years of effort and thankless work you have put into this place. Thank you for always trying your best. Thank you for teaching me so much, either directly or simply by example. Thank you for your truly impressive ability to cut through the chaff and identify the real issue, whatever that may be.
As others have said, that you will be missed is an enormous understatement. It's not so much that you will be missed as that your absence, more than pretty much anyone else's, will fundamentally change this network and these communities.
Fare well, Shog, fare ye well.