A renaissance man is a person (man or woman) who is skilled in multiple fields or multiple disciplines, and who has a broad base of knowledge.
The term renaissance man is largely based on the various artists and scholars of the European Renaissance (starting in about 1450 CE), who pursued multiple fields of studies. Perhaps the quintessential renaissance man of this period was Leonardo Da Vinci, who was a master of art, an engineer, an anatomy expert (for the time), and also pursued many other disciplines with great success and aplomb.
The Stack Exchange network contains a very broad range of studies. What if there were a cross-site gold badge awarded for someone who has at least a 1000 reputation on 10 network sites?
Beta and meta would not count for the badge.
Naming it the da Vinci badge is another option for the name.
Reguirements: Earned at least 1000 reputation on any 5 sites in the Stack Exchange network. Reputation earned on beta sites would not count until the site graduated from beta.