If there are only one or two close votes and no comments, don't worry about. We are a community of people with different views. It takes 5 votes to close a question, so one or two is not cause for concern. Some of the community express opinions about past events by down voting new questions. They know the question is unlikely to be closed, they just like to throw stones.
If you see 3 or more close votes and no comments, check the sites meta and see if there are any recent (today or the last month) conversations about your question or topic.
There are a couple of existing answers addressing, how to see what the close votes are for. As for the other part;
the OP has no way of knowing if editing would solve the problem.
Every site has a help page How do I ask a good question? If that is not sufficient to help the OP get on track, they can post a comment asking for why it is getting close and/or down votes, on most sites I visit regularly someone will normally offer advice like "I did not vote, but..."
Occasionally a question is posted by a new user on Beta sites, where the community is still working towards consensus. Questions may be closed and re-opened without the OP making any changes, in these cases there is normally comments under the question and/or a meta post about the question or topic.