[EDIT - see modifications (@ post end) based on Bart bringing this to our attention again.]
Today, having watched my first question (a feature request) here on Meta drop to -6 with no bottom in sight, I immediately got discouraged. Then a kind comment mentioned that downvotes meant mere disagreement about using or implementing the suggestions.
And then I found this thread.
As a noob, having read many of these related posts, I'd say there is a large elephant in the room with 'double standard' painted on its side. (If you want to shoot a newly arrived messenger and ban me for "whining" or "complaining," or down vote me to heck, so be it.)
You got problems here. Problems that need human, not robotic, intervention, with human compassion, not bull-headed, superficial statistical analysis driving a robot. (Gads MDeSchaepmeester had TWO -12 voted questions and he was tossed? I read them - they were not dangerous or mean-spirited, not even annoying. In fact, what happened to him makes me want to Self-Ban.)
How can people be banned for "bad" (*) ideas on a site that is intended for meta-level discussions? Moreover, unless the FAQ is hypocritical and Meta is not really "run by the community," how can robotic blacklisting be tolerated? Worse, the posts I've read indicate the one banned has no recourse or appeal - other than making comments as here.
(*) "Bad" is a fuzzy logic concept, "Up or Down" votes are only binary. Therefore the existing voting methodology cannot possibly encompass meta-level questions, which by their nature must be more sophisticated than fuzzy logic.
Commentators should be can be constructively critical [if they want] and say WHY an idea is bad --- which is what happened in my case (the idea would be too heavy data-wise, it could be done better in other ways, etc.) [EDIT: searches show the sub-topic of requiring comment on down vote has been discussed to near beat-the-horse-dead status]
[EDIT 23AUG13 - side discussions lead me to withdraw the sub-suggestions of a down vote requiring a comment. Ditto a sliding vote scale (which I might suggest in the future): ]
I'd say, ***only here on META***, unless you are a moderator, or posting-god/-goddess you should not be allowed to down vote without a small comment as to why. OR the up / down voting should be changed to a sliding scale of 1 to 10 ... seriously, how can a Meta discussion be pidgin-holed into yes-no tallies?
As others here have voiced, banning should only be done by real people - and more than one ... perhaps at least three, high-level moderators - and only with due cause. And there needs to be an appeal mechanism. Otherwise "by the community" is mere double speak.
[ Edit after a day of comments below] Why no technical solution ? If there is some robo-banner banning people automagically, it does so using a threshold.
Simply replace:
if (threshold > bad) { ban_em ; }
if (threshold > bad) { notify_review_board ; }
// clearly the mechanism is there already with flagging.
@random & Bart: by high-level or posting-god/-goddess, I mean at least a trusted user. Perhaps a good review board could be composed of a true cross sampling of the user community. An SE employee (in rotation, if need), at least two trusted users, two moderators, and two or three users below 500 - even include a near-noob like me (level allowed to up-vote and down-vote). When they get notified, they decide by equal-weighted majority, one person, one vote. This seems to me to be the only fair way to ban someone.
And if that seems like too much work for everyone, merely set the bad threshold higher. Notifying the board less would not thereby cause more bad posts from getting through, because the community can still bring nasty stuff to the proper attention via the flag mechanism.
I agree with notPekka - more human intervention. Consider it this way: when a human being's free actions are to be hindered, judgment should be passed by his fellow humans. If the speed trap's radar catches my car, photographs my license plate, then generates a ticket mailed to me, I still have the right to contest it in front of real people. We will rue the day when the speed trap sends us fine notices that are incontestable.
[ EDIT 16 SEPT 13 ] - With Bart resurfacing this issue and comments since I posted this answer, my suggestion warrants an addition.
This improvement is also simple, extending the earlier version.
Merely add in another threshold variable to prevent valuable contributors on StackOverflow (or any Stack Exchange site) from being "auto-banned" while still bringing "questionable" posts to the appropriate attention without the need of users' flagging.
As an example, the version below - compared to the previous version - is rendered in a stricter fashion on the low side and more permissive on the high. In other words, (auto)-watch newer users closer, but normal ethical users get a free pass from auto-banning. HOWEVER, if any post has "excessive" downvoting, then bring it to Moderator attention, just don't auto-ban willy nilly. Clearly such simple rules could be tailored easily to find the right levels.
// Quality of activity thresholds
// First If block = a simple "high-pass" filter
// Second If bloc = high value trigger
SE_REP_THRESHOLD = 500 // community or SE owners pick appropriate Rep value.
// Modified version of previous suggestion
// Get user's highest rep across all the Stack sites the user participates in.
// This info is already in our profiles.
usersHighRepScore = get_UsersHighestRepScore (allStackExchageSites)
if (downvote_threshold > bad) AND ( usersHighRepScore < SE_REP_THRESHOLD ) {
// next could be optional
ban_em ; // LOW BLOCK - auto-ban prevents spam too
notify_moderators ; // notify also optional, if we want to be " nicer " & unban later
// *Optional* High trap filter - high down vote AND high rep
// = post is "provocative enough" - someone should see what's up.
if (downvote_threshold > bad ) AND ( usersBestRepScore > SE_REP_THRESHOLD ) {
notify_review_board ;
(«[...] has been implemented [...]») andstatus-declined
(«[...] will not be implemented [...]»)!?status-completed
on a single question