These pages have long been confusing to many people, as can be seen by your question. The phrasing we chose was actually correct in describing the actual content of the page - questions or answers that had been posted within the last sixty days that were deleted. So, in that sense, your question would have been status-declined. That said, what you're asking us to call the page and what the URLs say is actually a much more useful collection of content - questions and answers that were deleted in the last sixty days, regardless of when they were posted.
So, earlier this week the wonderful Yaakov fixed this up for us and he was kind enough to update the link text to match and add some more descriptive text to the pages so that users who do stumble onto these pages will actually know what they contain.
The questions page now reads
Recently Deleted Questions
This page shows questions you asked that were deleted in the last 60 days.
And the answers page reads:
Recently Deleted Answers.
This page shows answers you posted that were deleted in the last 60 days. This includes answers to questions that were deleted.
We also updated the link text to these pages so it reflects their new purpose.
I hope you all enjoy being able to see all of the content you've created that's been deleted for any sort of reason, at least for a short period of time. This means that if you check these pages occasionally, you should know when any of your content is removed.
At this point in time, we're not looking at extending the window of time this shows but I hope this interim step will increase transparency somewhat.