As a mid-rep user, I have a little bit of access to the review tools, and I can infer a little bit about the tools available to higher-rep users from the Privileges section, but the information available to me isn't exhaustive.
I'd like to know what subset of users is responsible for reviewing each kind of flag or suggestion I can make on a Stack Exchange site. So that would include:
Post Flags:
- Spam flags
- Offensive flags
- Duplicate flags
- Off-topic flags
- Unclear what you're asking flags
- Too broad flags
- Primarily opinion-based flags
- Diamond moderator attention flags (okay, so I can probably guess the answer to this one)
Comment flags
- Rude or offensive flags
- Not constructive flags
- Obsolete flags
- Too chatty flags
- Other flags
Other stuff:
- Suggested edits
- Suggestions related to tag wikis (I'm not too familiar with these)
- Anything else I've forgotten
Naturally, at my level of rep I know the answer to some of these already, but the majority I'm completely in the dark about. I decided to ask about all of them so that this question will have more value to future readers as a reference question.