After adding a comment, if I want to add another within the grace period for edits, either because it won't fit in the existing comment or is a separate thought which should get treated separately for votes and flags and future deletion, well the Android application takes away my add comment button during the grace period.

enter image description here

What's worse, the add answer button ends up in the same area of the UI. And then the Android app has no UI that I can find for deleting the answer again. Nor does it show the warning about adding a second answer vs editing that is a feature of the desktop site.


  • don't hide the add comment button
  • add the warning for answers after the first
  • put "delete" on the popup menu for my own answer

But the first of these is most critical.

Meta bug report on the Android app (issues found while writing this question)

  • give me my insert image button
  • add a UI for linking to recently visited questions... Especially when writing a meta question.
  • the bug-reports tag needs to die
  • after fixing the tags to use bug not bug-reports, the app wrongly hit me with an anti-spam timer (you can't do this, ie hit submit again, for another 37 seconds)

1 Answer 1


As of v1.0.84 beta:


  • Add warning when attempting to post a second answer
  • Put Delete on the popup menu for my own answer: see Allow us to vote to delete from the Android app
  • Add a UI for linking to recently visited questions... Especially when writing a meta question.

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