There has been some discussion about certain users that ask tons of questions, but otherwise do not actively participate in a productive manner. I do not know if this is in fact true, I just want some proof one way or the other. I would assume that at the very least these particular users have a habit of making enemies. I would like to see further discussion about this, which is the reason for question's existence.
They usually have less than half as many answers as questions, or possibly none at all.
They will often have given an uncharacteristically high number of down-votes compared to how many up-votes they have given. One in particular has 4 down-votes with only 2 up-votes.
If they have participated at all on Meta Stack Overflow, it has been minimal.
They probably have had their accounts locked at some point.
That is not to say that there aren't accounts that might appear to be similar, but that aren't actively anti-productive.
I would like to have more information about the accounts that follow this trend, whether or not they are productive members of Stack Overflow.
I don't really need to know who they are, just some of the specific details:
- up/down votes given
- up/down votes received on questions
- up/down votes received on answers
- Ratio of good questions to bad
- Ratio of good answers to bad
- Ratio of questions to answers
- Whether they have been put in the penalty box, and if possible how many times, or even the reason they were put there.
- Their general reputation range ( 0-50, 100, 500, 1k, 2k, 3k, 4k, 5k, 10k, ... )
Whether they are active on any of the other sites
Whether you think they are useful members, or not, based on what you've seen. This will have to be a judgment call.
If you have any further information, go ahead and add that as well.
If you have something added to this list, just post a comment, and someone will add it, if it is deemed useful.
Basically what I want to know is, to what extent there is such a problem, or is there even a problem.
As I said earlier I also want information on all accounts that generally fit this profile, no matter what.
I'm trying to coax this information out in the hopes that it will be useful, to reduce the problems that may occur from these users, without hurting other users that may have similar attributes.