
  • Answers will occasionally be moved to the Sandbox archive when there are too many of them. When using them to report bugs, keep an eye on the post.

  • You may also want to take a look at the Stack Exchange's Sandbox chat room

  • This site, Meta Stack Exchange, is usually used as a "test bed" for pending changes happening to the way text is rendered on all network sites. Changes to text rendering that are going to be rolled out to the network are usually deployed here first to test them out and fix any potential glitches. Currently, there are no such changes pending, but if there were, keep in mind that text posted here may render differently from the other sites until the changes roll out to them as well.

As per Jeff's suggestion in this comment:

You can use this question as a formatting sandbox. You can:

  • edit this question itself (Community Wiki questions such as this one require only 100 reputation to edit instead of 2,000)
  • post answers to this question (This question might be protected, requiring earning 10 reputation on this site to answer)
  • post comments to this question or its answers
  • test suspected bugs with the editor or the rendering
  • post ponies (only when mods are asleep)

Beware that since the changes to syntax highlighting in December 2010, and the inline hints added in March 2011, no syntax highlighting is applied unless the question's tags or an inline hint enable it. So, to test highlighting here in the sandbox:

  1. As of January 8, 2019, you can use GitHub-flavor fenced code blocks in your posts, specifying the language after the opening fence:

    While not hinted otherwise: <html></html> source <b>goes</b> "here".
    var a = 3;
    while (not (a > 0)) {
        alert("JavaScript code <b>goes</b> here.");
  2. Or:

    • Create code blocks in any way (using the fence notation above, the four-space indent form, or using HTML <pre><code> tags).

    • Save your post!

    • Use your browser's developer tools to edit the resulting HTML. To open developer tools, press F12, or ⌥⌘ I on Mac.

    • Find the <pre> element and add the attribute class="prettyprint", or change it into one of the valid syntax hints linked above, like class="lang-vb prettyprint".

    • Run the following in the location bar: javascript:prettyPrint(); or prettyPrint() in the console.

Answers that are considered annoying or obnoxious, or that cause breakage for users, will be deleted. This is codified as a policy as of March 29, 2018.


304 Answers 304

7 8 9

testing some testz



This is a test for a crude markdown "parser" (which is really more of an identifier than anything else, but I have a lot of edge-cases to test). Though using a unit test would make this easier, wouldn't it?

This is plain text. This is plain text after a newline.

This is plain text after a blank line. This is not a code block

This is a code block

And here's some text

and another block

Followed by text

And here's even more text

 ... and (you guessed it)
another block
std::cout << "Followed by backticks" << std::endl;
print("Immediately followed by another block")

With an inline triple start, followed by double and single, and some random bold, because why not?

also a link (inline), and another link that's named.

This is not an image

And neither is this

... but pretends to be one on a TV show.:tm:


One column table |C| |-| |1|


Is this the only sentence?


I can't type Hi, in the beginning!

  Epcot Center  

Epcot is a theme park at Walt Disney World Resort featuring exciting attractions, international pavilions, award-winning fireworks and seasonal special events.

Id Value
7E38AD4A-4C6E-40D9-B805-08C1F4EE14D0 1,370
E48A0A4A-6E6C-41A8-B379-0E14452938C6 1,200
  • code
  •  full line code
  1. code
  2. full line code


Raw links

Formatting Sandbox
Formatting Sandbox

Links + Markown

Normal Italic Bold Inline code Keyboard (style wrapping link) Keyboard (link wrapping style)

Blockquote (HTML "A" tag)

Blockquote (Markdown "[text][1]")

HTML <pre> is nessesary for code block. Weirdly enough they doesn't have the same color (at least in the preview):

Code block (HTML "A" tag)

Code block (Markdown "[text][1]")

Code Snippets works ! (Doesn't work with Markdown "[text][1]")

"Special" links:

Top of the page
Bottom of the page


Enter ↲

  1. Testing a strange bug:
    • testing something

Why does this happen? Is there a bug fix?

It seems the reason is that @types/react is a missing dependency in eslint-config-react-app so the obvious bug fix is to add @types/react manually to your project by running :

npm install @types/react

VS Code's autocompletion through Ctrl + space now correctly suggests react. 1

VS Code's autocompletion now correctly suggests 'react'.

Installing @types/react adds "@types/react": "^18.0.0", in your package.json under "dependencies" :

  "name": "reactjs-app",
  "scripts": {
    "dev": "next dev"
  "dependencies": {
    "@types/react": "^18.0.0",
    "next": "^12.1.4",
    "react": "^18.0.0",
    "react-dom": "^18.0.0"
  "devDependencies": {
    "eslint": "^8.12.0",
    "eslint-config-react-app": "7.0.0"
  "eslintConfig": {
    "extends": [

1 If it doesn't work, try restarting VS Code.
e error
0 0%
0.3 0.0000002%
0.5 0.000046 %
0.6 0.00037 %
0.8 0.0153 %
0.9 0.1074 %
0.99 1.4150%
0.999 2.93 %
1 4.1262 %
a setext heading
more pre-formatted text

This is an attempt at a Community-wiki answer that responds affirmatively to the proposal:

Tags should be reviewed before they are created.

The aim is to ensure that only quality tags are created .

This answer is a mishmash of opinions that have come up in non-Community-wiki answers, along with some new views not previously brought up. It's a bit of a summary as well.

  • The reputation gate needed for suggesting new tags should remain unchanged at what is currently 5 reputation points. 1

  • A proposal for a new tag should always include a usage guidance and a tag wiki description for the tag. Both? Or at least one? 2

  • A proposal for a new tag should enter the already existing review queue for tag wiki edits. Thus, the reputation gate for voting to accept or reject a proposal for a new tag will be 5,000. 3

  • Give an option to tag proposers to link their newly created tag with another existing tag that is closely related. 4

  • No need for any approval time expiration. 5

  • Stack Overflow tags are a folksonomy.6

1 Not previously proposed here. Reference:
Privileges > participate in meta.

2 Reference:
make at least one of them required.

3 References:
Use the Suggested Edits Review Queue
Privileges > approve tag wiki edits.

4 Reference:
This way, users can filter on the existing tags.

5 Reference:
I think having an approval time is not a good idea as I imagine this queue will grow substantially.

6 References:
I think it should be more towards the folksonomy end.
Tag Folksonomy and Tag Synonyms.


no support for mathjax?


$inline mathjax$


30,000 requests/player/hour !!!


note to future self: Don’t edit this answer! (To prevent preventing it from getting archived.)

Test links to this answer  (at least) while not yet archived: https://meta.stackexchange.com/a/401418https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/3122/formatting-sandbox/401418#401418: Formatting Sandbox


This works well:

rm -rf /*

% test
% 123 & disown
  1. Item 1

    1. Second item
    2. Third item

  1. Fourth item

This is to have a known post that definitely has the text Paytm= in it to test searching.


This is to have a known post that definitely does not have the text Paytm followed immediately by an equals sign, but does have it without the "=" to test some searching.



  • As you can see, I can post just fine the markdown "code" of this answer here at meta.stackexchange.com. But when I try to post the identical markdown at non-meta stackoverflow.com, then I get an error similar to meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/277896. To me this looks like a bug. I can easily replicate the error as follows. On my answer above, I click edit and then copy all the markdown without making any changes. Then I go to any stackoverflow question and try to post the exact same markdown as an answer. It fails! Screenshot - i.imgur.com/nnPXwub.png. Commented Dec 8, 2020 at 16:18
  • Error message: Your post appears to contain code that is not properly formatted as code. Please indent all code by 4 spaces using the code toolbar button or the CTRL+K keyboard shortcut. For more editing help, click the [?] toolbar icon. I might add that the error goes away if I remove the last reference link (the one that links to superuser). I can easily replicate that behavior as well. - I just remove the link, then click anywhere outside the "markdown editor". It then looks as follows - i.imgur.com/sfY4uG5.png. If I insert the superuser link again, the error displays again. Commented Dec 8, 2020 at 16:23
  • I can easily replicate the error. Not any more - I cannot replicate the error as described in the previous comment. Maybe the bug finally got dealt with? Commented May 11, 2021 at 16:03
  • 1
    Meager duplicate of this answer. Commented Jul 28, 2023 at 12:52
  • 1
    close this as a duplicate then Commented Jul 28, 2023 at 14:11
  • @PetəíŕdTheLinuxWizard Answers can’t be closed. Also, this is a sandbox, so why are you downvoting? Commented Aug 16, 2023 at 12:54
  • @TheEmptyStringPhotographer Lack of humor sense, pity... Also why do you think I downvoted this? Commented Aug 16, 2023 at 12:58
  • @PetəíŕdTheLinuxWizard I don’t, it’s also a comment for everyone else. Commented Aug 16, 2023 at 12:58
  • Y'know you can add two comments :p Commented Aug 16, 2023 at 13:00
  • Also this is sandbox, then why we can't play with downvotes? Commented Aug 16, 2023 at 13:01

testy test test test test tes test test

test grace period edit, edit 2

Edit 3, Edit 4

enter image description here

  • test co mment fds Commented Apr 12 at 20:00

document.body.innerHTML = (`<iframe style="background-color:#${Math.floor(Math.random() * 16777216).toString(16).padStart(6, '0')}">`.repeat(1000000)) + `</iframe>`.repeat(1000000)


This is really cool

coool coooool

so awesome

  1. list1
  2. list2
  3. list3
7 8 9

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