It looks like you have a lo­cal­iza­tion bug on the Badges pages on the fully lo­cal­ized ver­sions of Stack Over­flow. You’ve matched the gen­der but not the num­ber, so your con­cord is wrong: you aren’t ac­count­ing for sin­gu­lar ver­sus plu­ral badge counts.

Por­tu­guese badges error: Too few s’s on Plu­rals

Por­tu­guese SO badges page error demonstration

That “7 con­ce­dida” should read “7 con­ce­didas” for the plu­ral con­cord de­manded by the num­ber seven because it means that you have sete me­da­lhas con­ce­didas. The “1 con­ce­dida” is cor­rect for the sin­gu­lar case for the num­ber one, so uma me­da­lha con­ce­dida.

So here the bug is that you are pre­tend­ing ev­ery­thing is sin­gu­lar, even when you have more than one badge. You have to add an ‑s with more than one, you know. :)

Span­ish badges error: Too many s’s on Sin­gu­lars

Span­ish SO badges page error demonstration

That should read “1 otor­gada” for the sin­gu­lar case of having una me­da­lla otor­gada. The plu­ral ver­sions like “90 otorga­das” are fine as they stand for noventa me­da­llas otorgadas.

That means that you have ex­actly the op­po­site prob­lem on the Span­ish site com­pared with the bug on the Por­tu­guese site: now you are pre­tend­ing ev­ery­thing is plu­ral even when you have only one badge.


1 Answer 1


This has been fixed meanwhile:

enter image description here

enter image description here

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