As of November 23, 2019, What does the Code of Conduct say about pronouns? has a (217 − 132 =) +85 score and Post for clarifications on the updated pronouns FAQ has a (267 − 599 =) −332 score.
I haven't voted on any of the posts but I think the answers given by SO employees in the clarifications post improve upon the FAQ and if I vote my vote would be the same for both posts.
I don't understand why would anybody upvote the former and downvote the latter, and I'm looking for feedback from people who voted this way. A speculative explanation is also welcome.
"... best case scenario there will be 2-3 answers."
that seems optimistic, the second question you linked to has 56 answers (spanning 1 1/4 pages, along with all the comments). I said "a few pages" not several, careful reading and respect for others is what could have avoided all this in the first place. On a similar note you mention @Glorfindel, the first sentence says he didn't vote on either question, so that's more.