The title covers the question - the "2020: a year in moderation" posts that JNat ♦ has kindly posted all follow a template which appears to be of the form:
As we say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new one, we have [a tradition of sharing moderation stats for the past 12 months]("year+in+moderation"+is%3Aquestion).
Note that the URL results in a search query that searches the main site, not the Meta site, for questions called "year in moderation".
Looking at the first ten Stack Exchange sites ordered by traffic:
It is still broken:
- on Meta Super User
- on Ask Ubuntu Meta
- on English Language & Usage Meta
- on Meta Server Fault
- on Mathematics Meta
- on Arqade Meta
- on Ask Different Meta
- on English Language Learners
It is fixed:
- on Meta Stack Overflow - by me (history)
- on Unix & Linux Meta - by Jeff Schaller ♦ (history)
I'm assuming this was done at least in part with some kind of tool as 169 of these questions were posted between 18:09:21 and 20:07:53 (an average of 42 seconds per post) - so haven't checked any of the other 159 questions.
Is it possible to automatically fix the links? I would suggest edits to fix them but (a) I don't have 2000 reputation points on most sites so I get "Suggested edits are not allowed on non-tag-wiki posts on meta sites.", and (b) there are many of them and I'm assuming it would be possible to not have to do it manually.