After discussing it with the Meta Stack Exchange Mods, we're glad to welcome Glorfindel to the MSE moderation team and we are excited that he's accepted the diamond here. As with the existing mods, he's been a moderator on the network for quite some time and seems like a natural addition to the team - indeed, some may assume he was one of them already.
In November of 2018, we appointed the first set of moderators here on MSE. Up until that point, the staff moderated this site - at least since it split off from MSO. To be honest, I don't have much more to add to what Tim said there about moderation here, so feel free to refer to it if you're looking to understand why we have mods here, why they're appointed and that sort of thing.
It's been really great to have a team here handling flags and able to help clear up content that doesn't need to stick around and bringing things to our attention that they feel we should be aware of. While there's not currently a huge amount of things that need moderation here on MSE, the needs tend to ebb and flow over time.
For this round, we both considered people who the CMs thought might be good additions, as well as asking existing network mods to reach out by email if they were interested in the position. We talked with the existing team about all of the candidates before making the decision to add Glorfindel to the team. We were excited by all of the candidates and would have gladly seated all of them except for a dearth of work needed. We appreciate their willingness to serve!
Thanks so much to the existing mods. You've had a hard two and a half years moderating this site and you've done an admirable job of it. You've acted thoughtfully and deliberately and, while I know it's been difficult, we appreciate your efforts.