There is a conflict going on with regards to the cstheory site at the moment on area51, that needs to be resolved.
cstheory.SE is a research-level only site. It allows only questions that "can be discussed between two professors or between two graduate students working on Ph.D.'s, but not usually between a professor and a typical undergraduate student". So a question an undergraduate student would ask, is not allowed. And indeed, questions are closed because of this: 1, 2, 3, 4
Now there have been two proposals on area51 to start a site that is about cstheory, but not research level. The first one had the unfortunate "beginners" designation:
But the second one, by me, did not: and it is explicitly about non-research level questions, and hence NOT a duplicate. Both got closed as a duplicate anyway, even though they aren't.
From the discussion it is clear (and I agree) that the area51 community think that we should not split topics up in research-level and non-research-level. However, there is a vocal community on cstheory that does not agree. The effect of this is that it is currently impossible to create a site about cstheory that is not research level.
Hence, some discussion on the topic is required, a decision needs to be made end enforced. Either a non-research level cstheory proposal must be allowed, or the cstheory site's scope must be changed. The current deadlock just leaves everyone frustrated.
There has been discussion on area51, for reference, mostly here and here. I personally don't really have very strong opinions either way, especially about cstheory which I'm not really interested in, although I don't think the arguments for research-level only sites have been very strong. But the current situation makes it impossible for people who are not currently working on a Ph.D. to have a site on computer science, and that seems awfully silly.