Possible Duplicate:
How to ask questions the smart way
How do I ask a good question?
I am asking this because sometimes when I ask a question, I get downvotes. Even if it is a simple issue.
Possible Duplicate:
How to ask questions the smart way
How do I ask a good question?
I am asking this because sometimes when I ask a question, I get downvotes. Even if it is a simple issue.
Don't ask a question that you can Google and find an answer easily.
Make sure your question is not a duplicate
Give enough context (read your question to make sure it's "understandable" by others, don't just click submit)
Add code samples, if applicable.
Re-read your question before submitting it for both grammatical and spelling mistakes as not all the audience are good English speakers (error might lead to wrong understanding pretty easily)
Use tags that describe your question, but don't over use them
I always post this link when questions are poorly worded:
I think the main thing here is to have a clear problem statement and supporting code/examples to back it up. People have to understand you if they are to help you.