Linked Questions

9 votes
1 answer

Vote count in network profile not updated even after long time [duplicate]

My question had 5 upvotes before a user was removed together with their votes and the question now has a score of 4. Two months have passed but my network profile still shows my question as having a ...
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9 votes
1 answer

Flair not updated with badges

It's been four days since I earned a gold badge (Fanatic, of course) and a few other badges on sites where I have 200+ rep. My global flair hasn't yet been updated to show the proper badges. What is ...
mtk's user avatar
  • 3,116
8 votes
0 answers

Communities list is counting my reputation wrong on some sites

I have 101 rep on Italian SE and am not suspended there. But the site switcher thinks I only have 1 rep there: I noticed this after I manually chose the sites to go in my switcher. To test this, I ...
hairboat's user avatar
  • 15.2k

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