Linked Questions

18 votes
1 answer

Area 51 uses insecure avatar generation

Area 51 uses a different system for avatars than the rest of the network. While on every other site Gravatar URIs are salted, on Area 51 they aren't because it hasn't been updated (Area 51 uses a 2011 ...
smitop's user avatar
  • 4,798
-10 votes
2 answers

Is there a community for showing stuff you've made? [closed]

Is there a Stack Exchange network site for showing stuff you've made?
OrrinPants's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Where can/should I ask a question about how to google for command-line arguments that start with a dash?

Background: I recently came across a question on Stack Overflow where the asker had a comment-reply to another user about how they didn't know how to google for compiler arguments that start with a ...
starball's user avatar
  • 29.3k
-15 votes
2 answers

What questions might you ask at Prompt Design?

A new site, Prompt Design (PD.SE), is about a month away. I'd be interested in hearing the kinds of questions you'd consider asking at PD.SE. Question: What questions might you ask at Prompt Design?
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
-9 votes
4 answers

Why not explore the future of text generation in a more segregated fashion?

SE.Inc has decided we are doing LLM stuff now. They are burning investment capital while doing so. Yet it appears that none of those stakeholders have successfully demanded what I imagine is perfectly ...
anx's user avatar
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-21 votes
13 answers

How can Stack Exchange use AI, and especially GenAI, to facilitate Q&A?

We’ve got a dedicated team working on adding GenAI to Stack Overflow and Stack Overflow for Teams and will have some exciting news to share this summer. --- Prashanth Chandrasekar, April 2023. The ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
-141 votes
15 answers

Are you interested in Prompt Design? Join the Community Stakeholders group

Update #2 As promised, you can follow along for summarized updates on the work the stakeholder group is undertaking. You can find that here Update #1 Thank you to everyone who took the time to throw ...
SpencerG's user avatar
  • 11.9k
-339 votes
2 answers

What is the network policy regarding AI Generated content? [closed]

Earlier this week, Stack Exchange released guidance to moderators on how to moderate AI Generated content. What does this guidance include?
Philippe's user avatar
  • 21.2k

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