Linked Questions

31 votes
3 answers

Why are people downvoting my question on Meta? [duplicate]

On all of the other SOFU sites a downvote means The question is unclear or not useful. However, here on meta, a downvote has become a sign of I don't agree with the question, suggestion, feature ...
6 votes
2 answers

Status-* tags - moderator only? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How does Meta Stack Exchange work? I just tried to edit the tags of this question to add the status-completed tag to it (since the feature is already present), but every time ...
a_m0d's user avatar
  • 10.9k
6 votes
2 answers

How should feature requests/bug reports work on Meta? [duplicate]

On UserVoice, it's clear how the bug/feature request procedure works: Enter a bug Gain votes (or don't) Get declined by an admin or get a bug fix How will this work on Meta (this site? Is there any ...
6 votes
1 answer

"must include one of these tags -- bug feature-request discussion support" [duplicate]

I just tried to post a question to Meta and received: Oops! Your question couldn't be submitted because: must include one of these tags -- bug feature-request discussion support Why ...
The Unhandled Exception's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What are all the moderator-only tags? [duplicate]

I know the red ones are the moderator-only tags. But I would like to know all such tags? I tried to read the faq, searched the Meta SO but was not able to find the list of such tags. So far, I know ...
mtk's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Does MSE provide which bugs are being solved? [duplicate]

I saw many questions on MSE which are under bug tag and having many upvotes. Many times moderators and 10k+ users approve it as bug. And Many time people reports same bugs under different title and ...
Somnath Muluk's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

status-bydesign Tag [duplicate]

What exactly does the moderator-assigned "status-bydesign" tag mean? What other moderator only tags are there, and what are their meanings?
Nalandial's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Bug reports and feature requests are not "questions" [duplicate]

All the UI on this site talks about "Ask Question" and "Post Your Question". Those terms don't suit Meta Stack Overflow which is also used to accept bug reports, feature requests etc.
Karu's user avatar
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-10 votes
3 answers

What could be legitimate reasons for heavily downvoting a post on meta [duplicate]

On this site, I've not seen a whole lot of very upvoted questions, unlike on other sites. But in the past couple of days alone at least two questions have been downvoted up to 26 times. I personally ...
user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How did you respond to feature requests or bug reports that you accepted? [duplicate]

I found many unanswered questions here on Meta. That's not strange things but some questions there have a high view count and many upvotes. Good questions should have at least one answer or one ...
Cataclysm's user avatar
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-9 votes
1 answer

Enabling asking non-questions on meta [duplicate]

Sometimes I simply want to notify moderators/administers of problems (e.g. synonym suggestion), and I think there should be "non-question" check-box when asking a question, and instead of accepting ...
Theemathas Chirananthavat's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why are some tags in a different color? [duplicate]

Some of the tags in the Stack Overflow tag list have a different color. Such as below: Why do some of these tags have another color background?
mehdi lotfi's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

What is "Meta"? Does Facebook own Stack Exchange? [duplicate]

I'm confused because people on Stack Exchange tell me to go to "Meta" to ask a question but, correct me if I'm wrong, that means Facebook right? I'd love it if someone can clear this up for ...
pgibbons's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Special meaning for tag color [duplicate]

Is there any special meaning of different color's of tag ? I search in meta but unable to find any thing about this.May I missing some thing to understand? For example:
4b0's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

do downvotes on meta indicate disagreement with the question's premise [duplicate]

I read the comments on this question and somehow stumbled over this comment: Downvotes on meta indicate disagreement with the question's premise, not that you asked a bad question. as it ...
Sim's user avatar
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