I found many unanswered questions here on Meta. That's not strange things but some questions there have a high view count and many upvotes. Good questions should have at least one answer or one response.
What I want to know especially is about questions that are tagged with feature-request or bug ..... For example, I asked a question to point at bugs on the sites and you replied "Oh ! yes .. this is a bug. We accept." And then, how do you respond to me when it is fixed? Or describe the fix as a answer ?
I think many answers tagged withfeature-request or bug are refused with "No , it is not bug.. you are wrong blah blah...." or "I don't agree your feature request because..." .
My question's main point is, why don't you create feature-request or bug reports sections? Instead of doing that, you created question tags and some questions that you reply to have no answers!