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2 answers

How to disable all job-related interface elements?

It is possible to somehow disable all the Stack Exchange/Stack Overflow interface elements on job search, developer story, etc.? I only come here for the questions, but for anything else and it ...
Wormbo's user avatar
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What font is used in this Stack Overflow Careers ad?

I know Stack Overflow logo is using FF DIN. Now, what font is the word "Work on work you love. From home." in the below Careers ad?
RainerJ's user avatar
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Careers ad asking if I want to work where I already work?

I just saw this ad on the side of Stack Overflow: I currently work for It even shows it when I click on the link! How is it possible that the system does not link 2 + 2 together and ...
Naftali's user avatar
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11 votes
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The picture of the dog from Work From Home banner

I really like this dog form the "Work. From Home" banner, and I want to have it as a full picture without the text, but I can't find it :( Is there a clean version of it?
Borislav's user avatar
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Can I host Careers ads on my own website?

There is a Stack Overflow Careers campaign which runs on I could not find how such campaign is created. Is such campaign limited to privileged users? If not campaign ...
Tarun's user avatar
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Is careers advertisement block being a-b tested?

Usually, my side bar careers block is orange, but on some occurrence it's blue ! Is stack exchange proceeding to a-b testing to see which color is the best ? Is it random ? Is it based on some ...
C4stor's user avatar
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Inconsistent careers ad behavior

When viewing question page as anonymous visitor or low rep user, we are presented with advertisements on top of the page. All is good. 90% of those ads belong to Careers, which is also good. 90% of ...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
5 votes
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Advertising Jobs on Stack Overflow Careers on my blog

I started reading some blogs by Joel and Jeff, and noticed that there are ads for Careers on SO. Is the little banner available for other users to use? Does it generate any referral fees for the ...
Canadian Luke's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Problem with Career advertisements on SO

Not sure if this is the correct forum to post this to, but here goes: I've been using SO and SF for a few years now and as a developer, it is a must have site for me while I'm working. The problem ...
Switzy's user avatar
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can I set my location for careers advert

The careers advert in the sidebar, you know the one - more jobs near (your location) I understand that it is detecting my location somehow, however it seems to think I'm based in London when I'm in ...
Nick's user avatar
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