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30 votes
1 answer

Specific feed is being automatically removed when added to a specific chatroom

In Code Golf's main chatroom, The Nineteenth Byte, we used to have a feed posting new challenges from our sister site Code Golf Codidact, specifically the RSS feed
emanresu A's user avatar
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How can I get the RSS-feed to post from YouTube into a chatroom?

Timothy Gowers YouTube channel is releasing weekly lectures which I'm trying to get the RSS-feed to post into my chatroom here. I've tried to post from his channel and from the playlist, neither work.
think_meaning_buildß's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I add a feed for a chatroom?

Suppose I want every starred message in a specified chatroom to be posted in my chatroom. How should I add the feed in my chatroom?
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7 votes
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How can I tell when a question was posted on the Recent Questions chat ticker feed?

I'm pretty sure I saw a question on our ticker feed today and I would like to check at what time it was published by the feed. The closest I got to an answer was by checking the Feeds chat user's ...
curious's user avatar
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9 votes
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Chat feed posts into one room, but not another

I've been trying to get a feed up for new HNQ posts on my site, using the implementation from here. The feed URL is It's ...
Em C's user avatar
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12 votes
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We need Captain Obvious back

Almost one month ago the new-question-feed of our main chat-room The 2nd Monitor posted by the special user named Captain Obvious stopped working. There had been a short discussion Room owner ...
Heslacher's user avatar
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Feeds in chat room throw error

I am trying to add feeds to this chatroom. I want feeds to update about new questions on Worldbuilding Meta with one or more of the tags I have specified. When I try to add the link below, I get an ...
John Locke's user avatar
18 votes
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How can I add Hot Network Questions (HNQ) to a chat room feed?

I would like to MYOH (Make Your Own HNQ) by posting hot network questions (HNQ) as a chat feed to a chat room. This offers the following benefits: Filter out HNQ from specific sites, or equivalently, ...
Masked Man's user avatar
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What format do chat feeds require?

I'm trying to create an Atom feed that can be added to chat. To do so, I've followed the format used by - I've excluded the re and creativeCommons XMLNS declarations ...
ArtOfCode's user avatar
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Can a chat bot feed be made for questions tagged with [anime] tag but not if they're also tagged [identification]?

Stuff has happened, and anime identification requests have flooded the Anime, Movies and SciFi. Anime banned all anime IDs completely, but SciFi and Movies still accept them. Sometimes they get ...
user1306322's user avatar
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Feed for new posts in chat [duplicate]

How can I get a RSS feed for new posts in a chat room? I would like to connect my RSS reader to chat rooms that I like.
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4 votes
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What determines whether a feed item becomes a post onebox in chat?

I am testing a feed that consists of comments posted by selected users. When the feed is used in a chatroom, some items get posted as intended, with the author and text of the comment: Others ...
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5 votes
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Customizing user feeds in chat

Currently, if I add a user feed to a chat room, I get a onebox that pops up every time there is a user action. The onebox contains either the question or the answer referenced in the feed entry. But ...
GentlePurpleRain's user avatar
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Feeds not getting updated in ticker in chat room

We have added feeds in ticker in our chat room, as we add feeds after removing, it gets displayed. but after dismiss of ticker, we are not getting back when feeds get updated.
Arth Tilva's user avatar
6 votes
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What are the limitations on adding multi-tag chat feeds?

Thanks to this feature-request and the ability to use the OR operator, we can have multiple tags and can include wildcards in tags to make broad filters in RSS feeds. In the main Sci-fi & Fantasy....
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8 votes
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Why does my chat room report more feeds than are actually there?

According to the feeds page for V'dibarta Bam we have five feeds. Or four. It depends on what part of the page you believe: I wondered if the extra were an inactive or deleted feed, but I don't see ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
4 votes
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Chat doesn't load my feed

I have created a feed which I want to add to a room, but for some reason it doesn't work ™. I have added the feed to a test room, but it doesn't load the messages. I have validated the feed and ...
PeeHaa's user avatar
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13 votes
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Do messages from feeds prevent freezing/deleting a chat room?

According to the SE chat faq: Rooms will exist indefinitely, so long as there is at least one person actively talking in the room. ... Rooms not worth retaining which are inactive for 7 days will be ...
Martin's user avatar
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10 votes
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Why do some feed entries not post in chat?

I have created a few feeds for Chat containing entries of interest to the Rebol and Red community. One such feed that I've recently been testing contains recent tweets by the respective creators of ...
rgchris's user avatar
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How do I add a feed for a tag in a chat room?

If I want, say, all [lord-of-the-rings] posts from scifi.SE to go to my chat room, what do I do in the add feed bit? What URL do I paste there?
MadTux's user avatar
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How do you change Feeds' nickname?

I've seen over at the Anime and Manga chat that Feeds take the form of Hell Butterfly. How can I implement it on my own chat room? Is it even possible for regular users? Or is it a mod only power?
Madara's Ghost's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How can I unignore the Feeds user? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How can I un-ignore a user in chat? A while ago I put the Feeds user on chat.SO on ignore because he was annoying me. Now, however, it is too silent in all those chat rooms ...
Octavian Helm's user avatar
28 votes
2 answers

Can I silence ticker feeds in a chat room?

A chat room can have feeds, either posted as regular messages, or appearing as an overlay at the top of the window (“into an extra area of the screen”) — ticker style. When the feed appears in ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
3 votes
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Why can't new feeds be posted inline?

I've prepared a new feed to alert users of new feeds. The feed URL is: ...and the feeds page seems to confirm the feed has been parsed correctly, as ...
badp's user avatar
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Where can i find the question feed URLs for a Stack Exchange site?

This may sound silly but searching Google and Meta have failed me. I'm playing with feed settings for the JL&U chat room and can't seem to find the new question feeds for our main and meta sites. ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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Was the Feeds guy sick in bed?

In the C++ chat room we have set up a few feeds, one to post all answers to the C++ FAQ question. This used to work fairly well, the Feeds guy posted anything that was subscribed to. However, the ...
sbi's user avatar
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5 votes
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Can you set a new feeds user to take charge of more than one feed?

On The Bridge, we have... a fair number of Feeds. Some of them serve similar purposes - we have a few devoted towards Gaming questions, some devoted towards general Stack Exchange material, and some ...
Grace Note's user avatar
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