I've noticed over the past week or two (or three?) that Stack Exchange URLs in posts don't have their anchor text automatically converted to the title of the linked post during the edit and preview page anymore. For example, this,
isn't automatically converted into this,
Here's a screenshot:
However, on post submission, the anchor text seems to still be converted automatically.
What's affected?
I've confirmed that this is the case for both questions and answers on multiple exchanges, including Stack Overflow, Meta Stack Overflow, Super User, as well as Meta Stack Exchange.
Shadow Wizard also confirms that I'm not (that) crazy,
@Cupcake you're right, you found a bug, links are not parsed anymore as they used to.
Is this a feature or a bug?
I thought maybe that, instead of being a bug, a new change might have been intentionally deployed recently to remove the automatic conversion, perhaps for performance reasons. However, searching recent MSE posts doesn't turn up anything about such a change, as far as I can tell.
{"error_id":400,"error_message":"jsonp callback in either jsonp or callback was malformed or malicious","error_name":"bad_parameter"}