I usually find posts that require redaction via "other" flags on a post. When I then submit a redaction (remove credentials or PII from revisions), a flag is raised for other moderators to validate the redaction.
When one of those flags is active, however, "other" flags on that post are hidden for me (and perhaps other types as well)? I can't then mark the flag as helpful until the redaction flags have been handled by another mod. What's worse is that other new flags on the post also won't be visible, so I could potentially be missing flags at this time.
This applies to both the flag queue (where the filtered "other" list contains the redaction flags, for some odd reason), and the post page itself (where the flag details banner only includes the redaction flags).
If I keep another tab open with the flag still visible, I can mark it as helpful. The redaction flags then disappear from the "other" flag queue too, so they are clearly being displayed instead of the "other" flag on the post. The redaction flag is then still visible in the redaction flags filter, and on the post itself.
I don't know if this applies to just me as redactor, or every moderator.
Please let me see the "other" flags on the post and in the queue even when a redaction approval flag is active.