I was just asking a question on Gardening SE and suddenly my user name there is a25bedc5-3d09-41b8-82fb-ea6c353d75a
and my picture is replaced by a Gravatar. My location is also left blank.
Here's a link to my profile there.
Curiously, my profiles on all other sites are fine.
I don't have a separate login for SE, I log in using my Google account. Nobody other than me has access to my Google account. I use two step authentication and I can see on "recent devices" in Google that no one but me has accessed my Google account. I only access SE from home, and nobody other than me has used my devices.
I tried to edit my Gardening SE profile back to the way I want it to be and I got the following message:
Oops! There was a problem updating your profile: Display name may only be changed once every 30 days; you may change again on Jun 20 at 10:49
I'm assuming this is because I changed the "about me" on all SE sites two days ago.
I never edit my profiles individually. I always apply changes to all sites, using the same profile on all sites.
I have certainly not made such strange (or any) edits to my profile on Gardening SE.
Why did this happen, and how can I get my proper user name and picture back on Gardening SE? Do I really have to wait for a whole month? I want to use the site, and I want them to recognize me as the user they know. I don't want to wait a whole month.
Update: The Gardening SE moderator Niall C. helped me out, and he offered the following potentially relevant information:
I changed your display name on Gardening & Landscaping back to "Fiksdal". Your profile history shows that your profile image (from your headshot on imgur.com to a gravatar), email, about me also changed at the same time as your display name on May 21. It also shows that I changed your profile image to a different gravatar when I changed your display name just now... weird! – Niall C. 1 hour ago
behind it: a25bedc5-3d09-41b8-82fb-ea6c353d75ae