I couldn't find a Meta post on what to do when a user keeps reapplying their revenge serial votes no matter how many times it is reversed, so I'm asking this question.
So recently I had an interaction with a user, who was accusing another user of "personally attacking" them in the comments on their answer, over some feedback they left pointing out some flaws in their answer. Seeing this I left a comment explaining to them that critiquing their answer is not a "personal attack", which it simply isn't. Shortly there after this user apparently had a meltdown, and started lashing out with actual personal attacks and revenge down votes against at-least one of the involved users, me.
They down voted all 3 of my answer on this SE site in the space of about a minute, leaving a nonsensical "this answer is worthless" comment on one of them (had I had more more posts on the site, I'm sure they would have continued).
Unfortunately, the automatic script did not detect it for some reason, so I used the contact page to request a review into this abuse, mainly because I hate to see this kind of abuse degrading the quality of SE.
Anyhow, I got the canned response in unrendered markdown about 2 weeks later telling me a developer would investigate the situation, and shortly there after the fraudulent votes were reversed... To which this unsavory individual responded by immediately reapplying the same fraudulent votes as soon as they noticed just under 3 hours later.
Following the instructions in the email on if the behavior continued, I replied to the email to say that the abuse had continued. And you guessed it, the same thing happened again! Clearly this person has some personal vendetta and doesn't mind abusing the Stack Exchange system to enact it.
This time the automatic script got wise to their abuse though, and automatically reversed it.
But the story doesn't end there.
Apparently this user really wants to have their revenge almost 3 weeks later, and apparently realizing they can no longer beat the system so easily, they start spacing their votes out by a couple of days. So the day after it was reversed once again, they start doing just that.
NOTE: I realize that correlation does not imply causation, and that theoretically there could be some other users who happen to be looking at my older content and just happen to all decide to down vote while never happening to find the same post, but I think this is what XKCD means by:
Correlation doesn't imply causation, but it does waggle its eyebrows suggestively and gesture furtively while mouthing 'look over there'.
So, after 3 confirmed cases of voting fraud doubtlessly by the same user, and what is almost-certainly a fourth case where they got semi-clever, I have little doubt they won't just do it again. I don't really even mind the loss of 6 paltry unicorn points, it this type of abuse in general that bugs me.
So what should someone do in this situation?
- Reply one more time to the email and see if the cycle repeats again?
- Just let it go, and leave the fraudulent votes to skew the score?
- Something else entirely?