I'm trying to view the revision history of a proposal on Area 51 by clicking the "edited by X Y days ago", but whenever I click on it, it brings me to this error page:

Enter image description here

Here's a link to the error page.

I've tested it on all proposals I'm following/committed to, and all of them bring me to the error page.

For reference, I'm using Chrome on Windows 10.

Edit: upon further testing, this only happens on proposals in the definition or commitment phase. It works as expected for sites in the beta or launched phase. You should be able to reproduce it with any of the proposals here that have been edited. Here's one random example: https://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/121498/transport-planning.


1 Answer 1


This has been fixed, and the revision in question (and any others that had the same issue) should now load.

the revision page
for area 51
should now load just fine

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