Way back in 2009, the question was posed:
Should language-specific questions contain the language name in the title?
I want to ask this again, but in a broader context. On Boardgames, some users feel that adding the game name to the start of every question is in fact a best practice, such as user Tom Au.
In general, I have taken the approach of respecting the original author's intention. However, a recent question was edited to follow this practice, and I would like to canvass wider opinion on the practice here.
The original question linked above, despite being marked as a FAQ, does not have a clear best answer, has very few votes, and is from the early days of Stack Overflow.
Do we have a community consensus on this? In general, is it better to add programming language, board games, or other general categories to titles (which would be also present as tags), or not? Should one edit an existing title one way or the other?