I want to propose for a Persian version of Super User (I will explain why later) so I want to create a proposal in Area 51, but this means non-English question and answers, Is this OK?
P.S: This may be a question for other non-English proposals too.
Update: The main question is: How can non-English site proposals pass the Commitment phase? How can the English community support non-English proposals?
You can find some information in Joel's blog post about the Stack Exchange 2.0 Site Creation Process (specially Commitment phase):
How does this thermometer work?
Intuitively, if Jon Skeet says that he’ll participate in the Sock Puppet Stack Exchange, that commitment is a better sign that the site will succeed than if we get a commitment from a random Internet user who has never participated in Stack Overflow. Sure, they’re both wonderful people, I’m sure, but Jon Skeet has proven that he likes to participate in Stack Overflow so it’s a good bet that he’ll participate in SockExchange, too.
.... we’re going to require a selection of existing users with certain badges and reputation that proves that they’ll participate. For instance (and I’m making these numbers up), we might require that a site get at least 100 commitments from people with the Teacher badge, at least 20 from people with the Enthusiast badge, and at least 50 from people with a reputation of 1000 or more on some of our sites.