Some sites are integrated to chat . What additional sites should the chat support?
One suggestion per answer.
Some sites are integrated to chat . What additional sites should the chat support?
One suggestion per answer.
GitHub project URIs could show a summary of the project. It has an API which could be used to retrieve the necessary data.
Google Code, CodePlex and SourceForge would also be nice, but I don't think they have APIs that can be used to get project information.
RFCs. Text like RFC2616
or RFC-2616
is changed a link that point to relevant RFC page. The Rfc title should also appear in resulting message.
For example:
RFC-2616: Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1
Google searches, like could display the top 3 results inline.
I propose oneboxing support for the Android Market, more specifically for Android apps on the Android Market.
This is the relevant part of an app URL:
I guess the most important data is the image, title, author, price and the short description. Additionally there is the rating, version and download count.
StackOverflow (and only SO's) blog posts. For example:
Useful when talking about recently announced happenings.
probaly difficult, but would be cool!
Chat is all about communication and this can help users communicate better on the same frequency
This could be useful in the English SE and overall chat in general.
Area51 proposal URIs. I've just tested them in the sandbox and they aren't already there.
MSDN (if it's not already) / (Would be dead handy for the Photo chat room, and there is the handy API already...)
These are just thoughts, not promises, but possibly:
I propose Google Plus (Google+) accounts and messages.
If Twitter is supported then G+ should be too.
Other Wikimedia sites (though this may not be as easy as it sounds in my head)
If you support xkcd there is no reason to exclude ;-)
*ducks flamethrower*
The iTunes App Store, just like the Android suggestion. Actually, all the mobile markets should get one box support.
RSS links. For example:
The title, favicon and latest two posts should be fetched.
This would be super useful on Crypto.SE and possibly other sites where cryptography gets discussed (Math.SE, Security.SE, and the likes).
For example, one of our users recently published a tutorial there. From the link you can extract title, author, abstract, etc and display it in chat.
I'm not sure how Mathoverflow was missed on this list, but as it is part of the larger SE community (albet 1.0), and a fairly successful site, I think it would be nice to have.
IMDB quotes:
<div id="qt0424740" class="soda-callout-box quote-callout-box">
<div class="sodatext">
<b><a href="/name/nm0000200/">Hudson</a></b>: Let's just bug out and call it even, OK? What are we talking about this for? <br>
<b><a href="/name/nm0000244/">Ripley</a></b>: I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure. <br>
<b><a href="/name/nm0000200/">Hudson</a></b>: Fuckin' A... <br>
<b><a href="/name/nm0001663/">Burke</a></b>: Ho-ho-hold on, hold on one second. This installation has a substantial dollar value attached to it. <br>
<b><a href="/name/nm0000244/">Ripley</a></b>: They can *bill* me. <br>
text gets moved into the box identified by classname quote-callout-box
and testing indicates that only one gets that designation. You can see the div from that classname and all its raw children above.
Also $('.sodatext a').attr('href') = '' + $(each).attr('href');
I was asked to put something with FHCs so this is for Josh. Or his socks. One of the three I'm sure.
Twitter is supported currently, but Tweets with pictures don't show the image(s) in the one box. Please add support for tweeted images, so you don't have to click the tweet to get to them.
For the back story, I came across a great paper the other day on Quantum Tokens for Digital Signatures. I posted a link in Crypto.SE's chat. Sadly, it didn't get the first few lines of the abstract, which would have been awesome.
The fisherman caught a quantum fish. "Fisherman, please let me go", begged the fish, "and I will grant you three wishes". The fisherman agreed. The fish gave the fisherman a quantum computer, three quantum signing tokens and his classical public key. The fish explained: "to sign your three wishes, use the tokenized signature scheme on this quantum computer, then show your valid signature to the king, who owes me a favor".