Linked Questions

3 votes
1 answer

Why are editors not suggested as targets of @ comments? [duplicate]

When replying to a user in a comment, their name is automatically suggested in a pop-up: But that only works if they have already left a comment. Sometimes I want to notify a user who has made a ...
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2 votes
0 answers

Include closing moderators and editors in comment @reply autocomplete list [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Expand the username auto-completion to everyone who can be notified According to the Meta FAQ question about @replies: You can explicitly notify one (1) other commenter, ...
eldarerathis's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

Autocomplete for @ reply to the person who marked a question as a duplicate [duplicate]

When commenting on a comment below a question, I can use the @, and the first letter of the person I want reply to, and get a little pop-up with their display name in it. If I use that, the person ...
KIKO Software's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Tooltip-expansion of ALL username-mentions in comments (not just for previous commenter)? [duplicate]

While writing a new comment, if one uses the "@username" syntax to mention a previous commenter, the system confirms that it recognizes this username by showing a tooltip expansion of the "@username". ...
Yosi Mor's user avatar
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710 votes
1 answer

How do comment @replies work?

How do the comment replies (aka "pinging users") work? Who can I send an @reply to? How do I respond to a specific user when entering my comment? Will they be notified? What do people mean ...
263 votes
5 answers

Increase close vote weight for gold tag badge holders

In order to increase the efficiency with which poor quality questions are closed, it could make sense to have weighted close votes for a small subset of qualified users. A very good way to measure ...
Travis J's user avatar
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153 votes
4 answers

Tell the user who will be notified of a comment

Note 2011/09/20: Jeff's marked this status-completed. I (the person making the request) disagree that what's been done, which is actually an implementation of this other request, meets this request ...
T.J. Crowder's user avatar
134 votes
1 answer

Eeeeek - what happened to my @ salutation?

I just posted a comment beginning with @username, and my @username part of the comment disappeared (it was the first word in the comment). Is there a lolcat inside the Stack Exchange database nomming ...
Mark Henderson's user avatar
76 votes
3 answers

Tab name completion for comments please!

I find I'm doing the Unix command completion/IRC name completion thing where I type a few letters of the username and hit tab when I'm entering comments. Please consider adding a bit of JavaScript ...
Pollyanna's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Is the @reply in a comment to the editor of a post broken?

According to Jeff's answer, @replies to post editors are implemented: So you can now @reply to editors of a post even if they haven't commented. Yet, I just tried to address the editor of a question ...
Erwin Brandstetter's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Comments @ auto-complete doesn't always appear

I've noticed that when I try and add a comment to send to a user using the @ prefix (i.e. @NickCraver) that JavaScript attempts to auto-populate with a little pop-up based on what comments have been ...
GIS-Jonathan's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why can't I response to user who edited my answer/question using @reply syntax? [duplicate]

Quite simple question: Why can't I respond to a user who edited my answer/question using @reply syntax?
MarcinJuraszek's user avatar
14 votes
0 answers

Please allow non-Unicode named editors be pinged with autocomplete

Currently, you can @reply to any person with the auto complete. Normally, you type the first letter of their name then use Tab to finish it. Unicode names work differently, you don't have to start ...
Tim's user avatar
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31 votes
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Why is there no autocomplete for pinging editors?

I hope this example shows why autocomplete would be useful beyond the comfort of the commenter: I recently had an issue where someone edited a post (which I'm not the author of) only to add one extra ...
Minding's user avatar
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4 votes
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Visual Feedback that you have @-replied to someone properly in comments

Right now, when you respond to someone by using an @-replies, there's no visual indicator to let you know whether you've properly used the feature or not. I'm often confused by whether I've used it ...
ArtOfWarfare's user avatar

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