Linked Questions

373 votes
1 answer

Why do I need 50 reputation to comment? What can I do instead?

Users with less than 50 reputation points cannot write comments on questions and answers that they don't own. Why does this limit exist? But I want to contribute now. What should I do instead? But I ...
7 votes
3 answers

How can I get my first reputation [duplicate]

Am I really forced to ask a question before gaining reputation to vote up answers that I find helpful? I've used StackOverflow for years in my JavaScript development, and I see myself as a pro. But I ...
lochmaddy's user avatar
-14 votes
1 answer

How can I contribute to Stack Overflow just by voting and never answering/posting questions? [duplicate]

Most of the time, I don't need to ask questions to find the answers I am looking for. Because I just find all the answers on Stack Overflow. It is a huge resource of good tips, tricks and solutions. ...
lvr123's user avatar
  • 129
13 votes
1 answer

Does an SO account make sense if I never ask or answer? [duplicate]

I've been finding answers on SO for some years now. However, I always found answers to my questions, so a quick look at SO was always enough. I never felt the need to create an account. Now after ...
Raphus Schmitz's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

My reputation is way too low to comment [duplicate]

I vigorously request that the reputation system be revised to let people with higher reputation in other Stack Exchange sites be able to comment on questions/answers. A possibly reasonable approach ...
Andrea Raimondi's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

why is my rep so low? [duplicate]

Why is my reputation on meta-so only 1? (at the time of this writing) I participate, albeit in a small and quiet way, on 4 other SO sites (stack, super, server, area51). I've not had any significant ...
matt wilkie's user avatar
  • 2,896
-1 votes
1 answer

Why it is so difficult for new users on Stack Overflow? [duplicate]

I recently started using Stack Overflow, and I am struggling. I am new to programming in C# and WPF and I am struggling to use the site. I have only posted three questions and I have answered one. At ...
Aric's user avatar
  • 185
4 votes
1 answer

Earning reputation without reputation [duplicate]

How do you earn reputation when trying to start on Stack Overflow? Typically, I'm programming in C# at work, using and consuming SO threads several times a day. I'd be able to up/down many answers ...
Shay's user avatar
  • 169
3 votes
1 answer

What are the recommended activities for a new user, such as for asking for more info on a question or an answer? [duplicate]

Related questions: New user not able to comment (answer gets catch-22). What am I supposed to do as a newbie if I want more info on a question? How does a new user begin using Stack Overflow/Stack ...
Pierre.Vriens's user avatar
-11 votes
2 answers

Discussion about pro and cons for allowing up-voting to very new users [duplicate]

I would like to share my point of view about allowing up-voting for very new users. I'm basically talking about the reputation points needed to up-vote any question/answer. It is currently set to 15 ...
Vadorequest's user avatar
-7 votes
1 answer

I cannot get started [duplicate]

I am new to Stack Exchange. Math and physics newsletters get to my inbox every Thursday, and every Thursday there are 5-day-old answers to questions as I read them for the first time. Too often a ...
euler1944's user avatar
-17 votes
1 answer

Do I really need to add "useless" questions in order to interact? [duplicate]

I have decades of coding history in my pocket. Still I have many of areas in which I am looking for answers. When Google sends me here to this platform its mostly a good result. Thus that means ...
Alexander Stohr's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to help a person in SO? [duplicate]

If I have 1 reputation, I don't have enough reputation to comment on someone's post, but I want to help him/her. What should I do in this situation? The only way to interact is through posting an ...
Vignesh Kumar A's user avatar
-18 votes
1 answer

feature request: develop more ways to build reputation for new users [duplicate]

I don't have an exact solution to offer, but as a longstanding low reputation user I find it frustrating and discouraging that I have to wait for someone to upvote my questions before I can be ...
Philosophist's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Can't comment, but I can screw up someone else's code? [duplicate]

I am not a very active member of stackoverflow. My reputation is veeeery low. I've just found an answer to somebody's question, that solves my problem too! But I would like to add a very tiny bit of ...
pkpapani's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Reputation Requirement for Meta Questions is a Catch-22 [duplicate]

I have a few questions I want to ask about WordPress--mostly I want to ask HOW I should organize and ask my set of questions. So it seems to me I should ask on WordPress Meta that. But to ask on Meta ...
Mr.Jones's user avatar
-8 votes
1 answer

How do I start getting reputation? [duplicate]

I have tried commenting on a post on, but it said I needed 50 reputation. I then wanted to upvote the post instead since I don't have 50 reputation, but that was another 15 ...
szechuanmcnuggetsauce's user avatar
-11 votes
2 answers

How is a new beginner meant to grow on one of the Stack Exchange communities [duplicate]

I am new to Stack Exchange and I think it's very impressive. One thing bothers me is that because it is so far down the line, I don't think beginners stand a chance of growing. As time goes on, ...
Yossi Sternlicht's user avatar
-20 votes
2 answers

Why is stackexchange so brutally biased against casual users? [duplicate]

I registered years ago. It's super annoying that you can't do anything without "reputation". You can't comment. Can't answer questions. Even worse the reputation is separate by different stackexchange ...
mzso's user avatar
  • 5
0 votes
2 answers

How can I improve My reputation on Stack overflow? [duplicate]

I am new on this website. I have thirteen reputations on this website. I wants to ask that, how can I improve my reputations ? Sometimes I want to vote up for any question but website don't let me do ...
Intsab Haider's user avatar
-15 votes
1 answer

Edit rejection caused by low reputation [duplicate]

My edit was rejected because This edit was intended to address the author of the post and makes no sense as an edit. It should have been written as a comment or an answer. I've 8 reputation, can'...
Leo2705's user avatar
  • 99
-11 votes
2 answers

How do I get 50 reputation so I can comment on some of these posts? Also do badges count towards reputation and if so how much? [duplicate]

Help a newcomer out please. It's much appreciated.
Christian Motley's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Comments and votes for honest low reputation user [duplicate]

I browse SE a lot. Not directly, but for most questions I put in google I get the answers in SE. Sometimes I would like to comment, or vote some questions/answers but I don't have enough reputation. ...
Olivetree's user avatar
  • 139
648 votes
303 answers

Formatting Sandbox

Notes: Answers will occasionally be moved to the Sandbox archive when there are too many of them. When using them to report bugs, keep an eye on the post. You may also want to take a look at the ...
119 votes
29 answers

Lower the amount of reputation needed to comment

This question is a great example of people coming from Google and using answers as comments. I understand the reputation threshold is there to prevent spam, but Answers are just as prone to spam as ...
James McMahon's user avatar
146 votes
5 answers

Answer appears automatically converted as a comment

I posted an answer (pointing to another question already asked) but when I hit submit, I saw my answer appear as a comment to the question instead. I tried it a couple of times and still the same ...
Michael's user avatar
  • 1,717
157 votes
8 answers

Prevent questions on the Hot List from being upvoted by casual visitors (only rep is from association bonus)

I have experienced this on a couple of sites (and I'm not the only one): You look through the question list. You see a pretty bad (or at least not-so-good) question heavily upvoted. Or even worse, a ...
DVK's user avatar
  • 10.6k
93 votes
8 answers

Shouldn't a reputation points-less newbie at least be able to upvote a good answer to his/her own questions?

I'm new to Stack Overflow and haven't any reputation points. I just got my first question answered, and I tried to upvote the answer, but I get a popup that says I don't have enough reputation ...
Tom Bushell's user avatar
  • 1,235
35 votes
2 answers

Why are 15 reputation points required to upvote?

I think more reputation points should be required to add a new answer than to upvote an existing answer. I don't continually watch for new questions, so usually when I find a question it has already ...
user avatar
27 votes
2 answers

Are "Point me in the right direction" questions acceptable?

This seems to relate to newer users asking directly, "Hey, go do this work for me" but to a lesser extent. Examples: Google Maps API states passed through calculated route Traversing through a 1D ...
ylun's user avatar
  • 391

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