Linked Questions

3 votes
1 answer

Could we make the amount of close reasons not a fixed quantity for the SE sites? [duplicate]

I noticed there are many sites where I saw a question being closed by Off Topic instead of, say, Unclear what you are asking. Others which would benefited from This question was closed due to a ...
Luis Masuelli's user avatar
251 votes
81 answers

Let's Plan the Second Iteration of the Stack Exchange Quality Project! [closed]

In case you missed the first one, check out the se-quality-project tag. The quality project isn't one that we plan to ever finish, it's perennial and kicks in every 18 months or so after we've had ...
user avatar
181 votes
24 answers

A proposed philosophy of question migration

We spend a fair amount of time talking about question migrations between sites. These conversations happen internally, publicly and semi-publicly in the network-wide moderator chat room. In the ...
Jon Ericson's user avatar
  • 79.8k
179 votes
11 answers

Shouldn't "off-topic" be only about... off-topic?

A related question/discussion point to this one posted just now, but with a completely different rationale. Whenever a question is closed because it doesn't contain SSCCE, or specific code, it also ...
mikołak's user avatar
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52 votes
13 answers

How could we improve our planned post notice improvements?

Megan has written a post on the Stack Overflow blog about changes that are planned/upcoming on the Stack Exchange platform. I've seen a bunch of discussion about it on chat - but it feels like having ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
-17 votes
4 answers

Why Stack Exchange is no longer a fun place for learning and sharing knowledge, and how we can change this [closed]

I have been a longtime lurker on Stack Exchange, and enjoyed using it as a reference and learning tool. I am happy to see it grow, but I am increasingly worried about where it's going. Prompted by ...
Thinking Torus's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

What is the purpose of an answer to a feature request question, and how does that differ from the purpose of a comment on a feature request?

I am learning about how feature-request questions (on meta sites) differ from "normal" questions. Part of my understanding is that: For normal questions, votes reflect (primarily) the quality of the ...
David's user avatar
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-7 votes
2 answers

More reasons to put a question on hold [closed]

There are certain types of questions which are being asked on a regular basis, should be put on hold and don't fit properly within any of the existing reasons for putting a question on hold. All the ...
varocarbas's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What is the role of meta threads?

This question is precipitated by my question on CS.SE here. I cross-posted it on the mathematics exchange, and it was put on hold by D.W. for this reason, with him/her citing this meta thread. My ...
Retired account's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Are custom close reasons necessarily off topic?

I've seen some proposals like "Allow custom close reasons that are off-topic" floating around on meta. My question is, until those proposals are implemented, can I use custom close reasons for ...
Rainbolt's user avatar
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35 votes
0 answers

The canned comments left by the Community user are less than helpful, in some cases [duplicate]

I've seen a few examples: A comment on a post about licensing on Software Engineering indicating that the post needs clarification. The post is clear enough to know that it is off-topic. Editing for ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
  • 55.4k
6 votes
0 answers

Break "off topic" close reasons into specific reasons in Tools rather than grouping them in one bucket

The 10K user tools are really great! Recently I was attempting to get an idea of which close reasons are used more than others... Currently only applies to off topic, most sites have between 3-6 off ...
Catija's user avatar
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