Linked Questions

10 votes
7 answers

Using affiliate links in answer/question [duplicate]

In answering Learning Design for UI and Website Design I found myself linking to a lot of books at Amazon. Because it felt like an abuse I did not use my Amazon Associate link as a means to link to ...
ahsteele's user avatar
  • 8,851
-15 votes
1 answer

How can I answer questions with affiliate links? [duplicate]

I am new here. As an affiliate marketer, what can I do to be able to post affiliate links to answers questions about new technology, health and design on
Michael's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Affiliate Links [duplicate]

Possible Duplicates: Amazon affiliate tags Using affiliate links in answer/question Is it against the TOS or at least frowned-upon to post affiliate links into stackexchange sites? I understand ...
Ewan Heming's user avatar
91 votes
11 answers

Auto-inserting Stack Overflow affiliate into all Amazon links [closed]

We have officially discontinued the Amazon book affiliate remnant ads, since despite our best efforts they don't perform well for our audience and cannot be made to perform well. We've often wondered,...
61 votes
3 answers

This user is edit-spamming dozens of answers with their affiliate code. Can they be removed?

See the activity here: Notice that most of the edits are simply adding that user's affiliate code to iTunes links. It's a ...
William Denniss's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

Ban Dropbox referral/affiliate links? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Using affliate links in answer/question Update: just found out that the links are not only used for all new referrals, but also for URLs to public files (for now: only if ...
Arjan's user avatar
  • 28.2k
7 votes
3 answers

Does including commercial links (to the poster's benefit) explicitly violate Stack Exchange rules?

Maybe I should divide the question into two separate ones, but I'm wondering if making commercial use of Stack Exchange violates any rules. Specifically, If I put affiliate Amazon links in my answers,...
sundowner's user avatar
  • 193
4 votes
7 answers

What are the most common ways of summoning Cthulhu in the trilogy?

Apart from parsing [X]HTML with an regex, what are the most frequently asked questions where, if the person did what they were planning to do, they'd summon Cthulhu?
Andrew Grimm's user avatar
  • 21.5k
2 votes
2 answers

Badges for referral links

I suggest SO to friends almost on a weekly basis — some of whom have joined, and really enjoy it. Would it be out of the question to consider referral-links, which award the referrer with a "...
29 votes
0 answers

Given that Stack Exchange no longer adds its referral code to rewritten Amazon links, can we get rid of the link rewriter?

tl;dr: There is very little, if any, purpose to maintaining the current rewriting and redirecting mechanisms for Amazon links in Stack Exchange posts, since the redirecting mechanism no longer adds SE ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

What is the policy for non-commercial affiliate links on the Stack Exchange Network? (And is there a single policy for all sites?)

I recently asked a question on Programmers.SE, How should one effectively use time at software conferences?. I included links personalized to my Microsoft TechEd account. If you get some number -- I ...
Billy ONeal's user avatar
  • 11.2k