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11 votes
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When will Stack Exchange begin accepting proposals for non-English sites again?

A proposal for a Stack Overflow in Arabic was just closed with a message referring the creator to a five year old post which refers the reader to another post mentioning (from Tim Post ♦) that the ...
Robert Columbia's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How do I propose a new site in a local language?

I know how to propose a new SE site on Area 51, but is there any way I can propose a new site in my local language?
RanjanaLK's user avatar
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9 votes
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Are there Stack Exchanges in different languages? [duplicate]

I was wondering if there was, say, a "Spanish Stack Overflow." This would be the same as the Stack Overflow site, but people would ask and answer in Spanish. This way, the asker doesn't need a ...
Ethan Chapman's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Missing Magic Link for Stack Overflow in Portuguese

Looks like it got lost in translation/development. I've tried [] [] [] but none renders into a Magic Link in the Comments box. I've opened a pt.Meta question, but, as this is ...
brasofilo's user avatar
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5 votes
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Put fully committed proposals waiting indefinitely in a separate place

I've noticed that we have quite a few fully committed proposals (Chinese Immigration, SO in Spanish, etc.) currently sitting at the top of the A51 list sorted by progress. I, for one, often use the ...
Undo's user avatar
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39 votes
8 answers

Le proposte del tipo "<sito> in <lingua>" creano inaccettabili barriere linguistiche e vanno uccise con il massimo pregiudizio

You're probably reading that and thinking, "what?!", and reaching for your close votes or your edit sticks. And that's a perfectly good thing. That's precisely the kind of feeling I want. ...
badp's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

How we can establish useful, thriving communities in other languages?

Joel asked this question on this blog post. I've looked through the questions in this area here, and seen the official policy, but I don't see anything related to that blog post, so this is asking ...
paulmorriss's user avatar
36 votes
2 answers

Localization: The state of the nation?

Out of mere idle curiosity, what is the state of internationalizing the Stack Exchange engine and community creation process? Specifically: A fully localizable UI A crowdsourcing interface to get ...
Pekka's user avatar
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Should niche sites be allowed to be multi-lingual?

I understand why Stack Overflow is English-only, and agree with this, but in the response from Jeff to an interesting suggestion from Oscar Reyes, he notes that "for Stack Exchange, this is a ...
Jan Fabry's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Localized (or foreign language only) Area51 site [duplicate]

Hi all, I understand the StackOverflow team is not fond of localized content. However, what about localized area51 sites ? As an example, I'm thinkg about requesting a french only DIY house ...
Riduidel's user avatar
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