Recently, Physics SE has finished the 2019 moderator election nomination phase. Earlier today, within 24 hours of the nomination completing, a user was removed from the nominations. The user later let us know that the reason was because of a short suspension, and the community managers had denied their nomination. (I am not disputing that decision in any way, it's the established process)
The biggest complaint is that this was somewhat jarring for the community, or at least the users discussing it at The h Bar (Physics Chat). It seemed as though there was a bit of a game of chicken going on with nominations, and having the user with the highest candidate score removed on the last day of nominations led to some confusion (and a bit of panicking with a couple users).
To mitigate this, I am wondering how feasible it would be to treat nominations from previously suspended users in a similar way to how pending edits from lower rep users are treated. This would mean that the nomination gets sent through on the nominating users end, but it is not visible to the general community until approved by a Community Manager(perhaps with a message like "This nomination requires approval from community managers, and will not be visible unless approved.").
It seems like this may not be a large project to implement, which is the only reason I suggest looking into it for something as rare as moderator elections.
How difficult would this be to implement, and would the feature be worth it?