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259 votes
7 answers

Summing up the main issues (The Story So Far)

Could we have a neutral summing up of the issues (without any editorializing)? I will attempt to do so in an answer, big picture style. Or you could think of this as "The Story So Far" for ...
aparente001's user avatar
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156 votes
4 answers

Allow Monica to have a structured conversation (à la mediation) with SE leadership

I read a recent comment by Monica Cellio that said perhaps an actual conversation between a person in authority and Monica would be a good first step. SE isn't taking my calls; I can't initiate that. ...
aparente001's user avatar
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276 votes
2 answers

What did Monica do to violate the CoC?

According to SO, they removed a moderator for repeatedly violating our existing Code of Conduct and being unwilling to accept our CM’s repeated requests to change that behavior. As Monica says, ...
gadzooks02's user avatar
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96 votes
1 answer

Was Monica's firing intended to "disrupt the status quo"? [closed]

After following this from a distance for a while, I came across a fascinating comment: Interestingly, the entire genesis of this (at least publicly) was discussed at 32:00m on the #causeascene ...
user avatar
37 votes
7 answers

How can we improve the inconsistent tagging of the questions relating to the recent uproar and associated issues?

Question description There are many questions (~250 in the last five weeks) relating to Firing mods and forced relicensing: is Stack Exchange still interested in cooperating with the community? ...
Sextus Empiricus's user avatar
59 votes
3 answers

Please give moderators better tools to understand the interactions between two users

With the recent Code of Conduct changes (see the blog post, the FAQ), and even before this round of changes, there has been an increased attention on users interacting respectfully with each other. ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
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101 votes
2 answers

What is on the mind of Stack Exchange management?

I can understand that as a for-profit and venture backed corporate entity, Stack Overflow Inc. has to make money and/or make a nice exit, even if it means ... antagonizing the very community that ...
Graviton's user avatar
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77 votes
4 answers

Avoid "shipping" news on a Friday evening

We learned (or were painfully reminded, rather) to never ship at 6 PM (EDT) on a Friday. We didn’t follow that rule last week and as a result there was a lot of confusion over the weekend. Even more, ...
Mari-Lou A Слава Україні's user avatar
73 votes
5 answers

How can SE and community improve respecting feelings of mentally ill people and their relatives/friends?

There was a (now deleted) question on MSO about freezing the meta room (10k link). The answer was that nasty things were said there, now the nastiness got cleared and the room was unfrozen when heads ...
Tadeusz Kopec for Ukraine's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

Can we resolve the differences between statements by moderators and Stack Exchange with respect to recent events?

We've had a mixture of varying statements with regards to events leading to the removal of Monica Celio as a moderator. A statement and apology by SE does not match previous statements by moderators, ...
Erik A's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Can a site enforce its own rules above and beyond the Code of Conduct?

tl;dr version: May elected moderators on a specific Stack Exchange site ban users for doing things that the site's community disfavors but that are not against the Code of Conduct? The Code of ...
Robert Columbia's user avatar
-44 votes
4 answers

Is peer-accountability permitted on meta.stackexchange?

StackExchange grants users the ability to use "Contact Us" at the bottom of the page to report issues with Moderators. I don't see a rule prohibiting questioning a mod's actions here. I have one ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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