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5 answers

Making valid use of comments containing "-1"

I am trying to check if there are good/valid uses of "-1" comments. I know this is not valid: -1: Bad post. But is this okay? With all due respect, I don't think this is a very helpful ...
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13 votes
3 answers

Is it ethical to ask people to downvote

I see the accepted answer here is definitely wrong- What is the difference between %d and %*d in c language? Should I encourage people (who might come across my blog) to downvote this answer? I think ...
goelakash's user avatar
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-6 votes
2 answers

Should one down-vote a question because one disagrees with the questioner's views expressed on a past occasion not mentioned in the question?

Is it appropriate to down-vote a question because one disagrees with beliefs of the poster that are not mentioned in the question? Is it appropriate to characterize as a "rant" a paper one has not ...
Michael Hardy's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

treading on somebody's toes - dealing with mischievous tormentor [duplicate]

I think I might anger someone recently, because in just a few seconds someone downvoted all my answers that I've ever posted on SO. Can I defend myself somehow from such behaviour? I know it's ...
Tarec's user avatar
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-21 votes
1 answer

Is down-voting an answer, because the question was not a good fit, justified?

A few minutes ago, a person downvoted my answer on Stack Overflow to one question, because the actual question is not suitable for the site. I've never seen anybody downvoting an answer because such ...
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7 votes
2 answers

Lack of down voting, and the public image of a down vote

While searching for similar topics I found several discussions which mainly discuss whether or not to down vote in a particular situation. Typically, I agree with the accepted answers. It seems that (...
Steven Jeuris's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What are your up/downvote ethics?

I'm upvoting questions if I think they can be useful (maybe I need an answer later on) also on answers, or things I know they're correct I don't upvote to answers on the same question when I already ...
stacker's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Downvoted by others because they want credit [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Is Tactical Down-Voting ever valid? How does this work? In a high-pace situation (question, minutes old, currently does not have satisfactory answer), are answerers obligated ...
polygenelubricants's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

downvoting on ethical grounds [duplicate]

Possible Duplicates: Technically valid answers that raise questions of morality How far should we go in judging question ethics? What does everyone think about a downvote for a question ...
Midhat's user avatar
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28 votes
19 answers

Is Tactical Down-Voting ever valid?

Has anyone noticed any tactical downvoting of their, or other people, answers? For example, in a recent answer to a question, my answer described a possible solution. Shortly afterwards, another ...
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