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2 votes
1 answer

How should I reply to a comment which is a request for code?

In a comments discussion I was asked in a comment to share my code. Unfortunately the code exceeds the number of characters allowed in the comment. I'm not a question owner nor the answer.
4 votes
3 answers

What are askers looking for in a Stack Overflow answer?

What are the people on this website looking for? Straight, working code that they can just copy/paste into their programs? How they should think, the function and the patterns they should use, links ...
-7 votes
1 answer

There is any option to unsubcribe/unfollow already subscribed community [closed]

There is any option to unsubscribe/unfollow already subscribed community in stack overflow (Is this logout is an option for unsubscribing/unfollowing)
2 votes
1 answer

Let new-comers know what they should know

I would like to focus two things here: Neither the Tour, nor Ask A Question, shows What the question poster should when someone answers their question? which most of the new comers often don't know ...
-4 votes
1 answer

What are my choices when I don't receive any correct answers for my bounty question? [duplicate]

I've asked a question on Stack Overflow with a bounty. Assume I have received three answers, but all of them are incorrect and not what I asked. I clearly mentioned what my problem was and what I'm ...
59 votes
11 answers

Questions with lots of "Thank you" answers [closed]

"Thank you" answers are generally not very useful, especially if they appear in masses. Some questions are attracting especially many of them and should probably be cleaned up by a moderator....
1 vote
0 answers

One answer to multiple questions? [duplicate]

Some time ago I created these two questions: "How to build nested responses in an Apigility driven application with a ZfcBase-DbMapper based model?" and "How to access and manipulate data in Apigility ...
5 votes
2 answers

Accept questions after a large amout of time

Is it impossible to accept a question I asked 2 months ago or something? I cannot hit the "accept" button on an answer, as illustrated below.
45 votes
12 answers

What has happened to the sorting of answers on Stack Overflow? [duplicate]

Has the sorting of answers on Stack Overflow been changed? Because I've realised that the answers aren't sorted by Votes -> Time anymore, and they are sorted in a different way. It appears the ...
7 votes
3 answers

What to do with a highly-voted bad answer? [duplicate]

I think the most highly voted answer to this question is not a good idea in that one should not really be copying files from a JDK and moving them to a JRE. I added an answer and a comment to that ...
-13 votes
3 answers

One bad answer seems to be enough for 'No longer accepting answers from this account'

I seem to be blocked from answering based on a single bad answer post. Please tell me if this is possible. So I'm a relative noob at Stack Overflow. And I'm apparently blocked from answering ...
4 votes
0 answers

Can't answer questions, not even my own: Please note, I can still post questions, but not answers [duplicate]

Since I joined Stack Overflow I have never been able to post answers to any questions, not even my own questions. Is there something I should do in order to be allowed to do this? Every time I try, I ...
6 votes
1 answer

The answer I was about to mark correct was transformed into a comment?

A little while ago I asked a somewhat complex question. I got some good answers fairly quickly and began investigating them. One recommended I try the jQuery isotope plugin and another pointed me ...
17 votes
2 answers

Useless low entropy answers on SO [closed]

Using the data dump I came up with a list of "answers" containing no useful text. Those answers are all just noise and should be deleted by a moderator. And instead of spending the next days with ...
17 votes
1 answer

Can I add a YouTube video to my answer in Stack Overflow? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Provide a way to embed videos in answers Is it possible to add a video in the answers on Stack Overflow? I think I saw this in some answers a few months ago, but how do ...
5 votes
4 answers

Accept an answer Obligation

I've got the following message on one of my "not have an accepted answer" question: "Have you considered accepting an answer or starting a bounty for this question?" Am I obligated to accept ...
0 votes
1 answer

Questions which have not been properly answered

I have several questions in SO , for which I have not received a proper reply. It goes more into a discussion thread , which I am fine with, provided a get a reply. Unfortunately this has not been in ...
1 vote
1 answer

Answering community wiki on SO

When I want to answer wiki question which is about "technology gotchas" and I have multiple "gotchas" should I place all of them into single answer or should I create multiple answers? Edit Some ...
2 votes
1 answer

What does "permalink to this answer" mean, actually?

I have seen at the bottom of either a question or answer a link called link. When I mouse over it, the tooltip says Permalink to this question or Permalink to this answer. What does this actually ...
9 votes
1 answer

Why do I still have reputation 1? (Can't vote anything up.)

Hello! I'm trying to become an active participant on Stack Overflow. I found a question I could answer, and I answered it: Monitor vs Watch on SourceForge Tracker Then two people voted my answer up. ...
2 votes
4 answers

Stackoverflow disappearing answers?

Hi, I have stumbled across a disappearing answer. According to my user/recent page, user 0scar has posted an answer to this question of mine. It's answer ID 1244114. But when I view the question, I ...