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Questions tagged [url-encoding]

5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Bad Request - Invalid URL with Unicode in URL

There is a question on the Ru.SO that can't be opened (at least for me under Chrome and Edge) with HTTP 400 error: I have made a dumb question on Meta.SE to reproduce this. Question Bad Request - ...
m0nhawk's user avatar
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URL ending in underscore is incorrectly converted

If an URL posted in a question or answer body ends in an underscore, then this underscore is cut off from the URL, which produces a broken link when saving the text. At the same time the preview ...
Akina's user avatar
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7 votes
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Improper query escaping in the return URL after logging in

Something is causing my query search [javascript] -[php] votes:0 is:question to turn into javascript -php votes:0 is:question after signing in. Steps to reproduce: Make sure you are not connected ...
ajax333221's user avatar
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Markdown not recognizing characters in URLs, redux: dollar sign

I have two links which I am trying to use in an answer: [10–4–5 (for Terminal facilities)][3] [6–4–4 (for Enroute facilities)][4] and two URLs which those links should point to: [3]: https://www.faa....
randomhead's user avatar
2 votes
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How does StackOverflow sanitize question titles for use in the URL

I'm interested in knowing how StackOverflow sanitizes the question titles for use in the URLs. Are they using a custom matching and replacing pattern or something as simple as a Server.UrlEncode with ...
Jamie Dixon's user avatar