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Questions tagged [url-encoding]

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URL ending in underscore is incorrectly converted

If an URL posted in a question or answer body ends in an underscore, then this underscore is cut off from the URL, which produces a broken link when saving the text. At the same time the preview ...
Akina's user avatar
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17 votes
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Links in email from SE are weird

I contacted SE using the contact page recently. I got a reply. This was a part of the reply: Typically, the fastest way to address this sort of problem is to raise a flag on the post or comment (note ...
Random Person's user avatar
2 votes
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Issue putting a URL with special characters [duplicate]

I am having difficulty placing the following URL in my post here, which if I copy and paste the link into my Google Chrome, it works perfectly fine.
shashashamti2008's user avatar
4 votes
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Markdown not recognizing characters in URLs, redux: dollar sign

I have two links which I am trying to use in an answer: [10–4–5 (for Terminal facilities)][3] [6–4–4 (for Enroute facilities)][4] and two URLs which those links should point to: [3]: https://www.faa....
randomhead's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Inconsistent meta site URL format

I couldn't find anything on this - but I suppose people have brought it up in the past. It bugs me that there is inconsistencies when it comes to the URLs of different meta sites. Some, such as meta....
user438383's user avatar
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How do I make this URL ending in a period work in the comments?

With this URL: It is broken unless I add a \ to the end in ...
Anon's user avatar
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Degree symbol breaks URL detector [duplicate]

This was originally posted on Travel Meta. I am reposting here to add visibility to the issue. The URI detector breaks when it encounters a degree symbol (°) or U+00B9:
JoErNanO's user avatar
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Bad Request - Invalid URL with Unicode in URL

There is a question on the Ru.SO that can't be opened (at least for me under Chrome and Edge) with HTTP 400 error: I have made a dumb question on Meta.SE to reproduce this. Question Bad Request - ...
m0nhawk's user avatar
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Careers login redirects to a 404 error if original return URL had a query string

So, I had a message sent to me on Careers 2.0 today. Since I didn't happen to be logged in there, clicking the inbox link took me to the following page:
Ilmari Karonen's user avatar
12 votes
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How to Ask page doesn't correctly encode the question typed in the search field

The How to Ask page doesn't correctly URL encode the string typed in the search field. For example, if someone types "Objects in C++" in the search field and then clicks on the "proceed »" link below, ...
GOTO 0's user avatar
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7 votes
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Improper query escaping in the return URL after logging in

Something is causing my query search [javascript] -[php] votes:0 is:question to turn into javascript -php votes:0 is:question after signing in. Steps to reproduce: Make sure you are not connected ...
ajax333221's user avatar
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12 votes
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return url doesn't get properly decoded after login

When accessing SO with a bookmark that has a list of tags separated by or, for instance: When logging in ...
Xavi López's user avatar
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When passing parameters via the URL, they are not properly decoded

By "not properly", I mean "not", apparently. Try this link, for example: Steps to reproduce: ...
a cat's user avatar
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How does StackOverflow sanitize question titles for use in the URL

I'm interested in knowing how StackOverflow sanitizes the question titles for use in the URLs. Are they using a custom matching and replacing pattern or something as simple as a Server.UrlEncode with ...
Jamie Dixon's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

URL encoding bug

From Is there some way to convert json to xml in PHP? The link XML Serializer link encodes the _, which causes a failure on the destination site: The requested document /package/XML%5FSerializer was ...
Dave Jarvis's user avatar
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URL with ' ' (space) not working

I was posting an answer to a Java question and I noticed that all the links containing a space don't work. For example
krtek's user avatar
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31 votes
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Bug with tags with plus in name shows that a tag named n+1 was created in the last 2 days. Clicking on the link for that tag takes one to a page showing "0 Questions tagged n 1"; it treats them as ...
Phrogz's user avatar
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Automatically encode illegal characters in URLs [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Links with caret ^ do not work? An answer on super user had a link in it to a site with a caret character (^) in the URL. Markdown was not rendering it as a link properly, ...
nhinkle's user avatar
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3 votes
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The Tweet This button drops punctuation that is perfectly tweetable

I just tweeted a link to this question What is the best C++ interview question? and the content had the two + signs (for C++) replaced with spaces. I edited it back to + signs, but I don't see why it ...
Kate Gregory's user avatar
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Linking to [tag] searches doesn't work unless the brackets are URL encoded

If you want to link to a tag search such as the following:[xml]+[php]+parse It won't create a link unless the square brackets are URL encoded. That is, this ...
therefromhere's user avatar
3 votes
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URL shows differently on copy-paste

I tried to copy-paste the following google search url in comments:***%22&sbtn=Search But it shows like this http://www....
nvl's user avatar
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After adding an interesting tag, the href is not URL encoded

I accidentally deleted my C# tag, but when I re-added it and clicked on it to get a list of questions tagged C#, I noticed the # was not URL encoded to %23, so I only saw questions tagged c.
John Rasch's user avatar
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