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9 votes

StackExchange's OAuth login broken - identifying an HTTPS request as non-HTTPS

This was a bug that crept in as part of the .NET Core migration (the only one I’m aware of, so close!). Sorry about that, a fix has been deployed now. Note that we’ll redirect these URLs but the ...
Nick Craver's user avatar
8 votes

Chrome warns me my connection is not secure when authenticating in SEDE with a Google account

A fix for this has been deployed - thanks for the report and eyes on the PR as well! Notes: yep, as you suspected, we terminate TLS at the load balancer and the built-in ASP net bits weren't reading ...
Nick Craver's user avatar
5 votes

Chrome warns me my connection is not secure when authenticating in SEDE with a Google account

Reproduced by me. First when I registered using Google everything went fine. I then logged out, and when logging in using the just registered Google account was greeted by the following message (in ...
Luuklag's user avatar
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4 votes

What scope to supply to get a refresh token from Stack Exchange?

Disclaimer: I'm not a Stack Exchange employee, but I'm a frequent user of the API and moderator on Stack Apps. You've read the documentation, kudos for that, and as you saw, it does not have the ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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4 votes

Authentication API - port number in redirect_uri is ignored

As of the last build, ports in return redirect_uris should be preserved. In some cases the port will be stripped, but that should only happen if the port matches the default for the protocol.
Kevin Montrose's user avatar
3 votes

Using oAuth in API throwing internal server error

Today I learned an exciting new deficiency in ASP.NET MVC <= 5; child actions cannot be asynchronous -_- A fix has been deployed. This bug was introduced as part of some work underway that ...
Kevin Montrose's user avatar
3 votes

API authentication channelUrl from a userscript?

SE's Javascript SDK assumes that you have your own domain and that everything is same-domain. The SDK has code like: // proxyUrl must be under the currently hosting domain if (proxyUrl.toLowerCase()....
Awesome Poodles's user avatar
1 vote

Chrome warns me my connection is not secure when authenticating in SEDE with a Google account

Reproduced by me as well. Not only is the Google login being stroppy, clicking the "Login using Stack Overflow" button also throws this error: Logged in or out of my Google account.
Ollie's user avatar
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