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42 votes

How does one Stack Exchange site know that I'm logged in to the other?

Once you get authenticated on a single site, the full.js gets loaded, which has a function UniversalAuth.performAuth() which gets called. That function starts with an XMLHttpRequest POST to /users/...
rene's user avatar
  • 92.1k
19 votes

Will Google+ APIs shutting down affect signing in into Stack Exchange sites?

The Google+ API shutdown will not affect our login system at all. We have already been using the generic Google OAuth2 API for some time, which is a completely independent API and is not being ...
animuson's user avatar
  • 190k
16 votes

Did something change with Stack Exchange's cross-domain login process? (no longer working)

Yes, something did change. The browsers we all use got a bit more picky about which cookies they accept. In my answer on How does one Stack Exchange site know that I'm logged in to the other? I ...
rene's user avatar
  • 92.1k
15 votes

Authenticate to Stack Exchange using GitHub

The PR was finally approved and merged:
Geoff Dalgas's user avatar
  • 48.9k
13 votes

What do I need to know as a user about authorising applications that interact with Stack Exchange?

The Stack Exchange API offers a number of things an application can do. This description is going to be light on technical details as those can be looked up in the documentation. However, we still ...
VLAZ's user avatar
  • 16.2k
9 votes

Is still in use?

Ah yeah, that write-up should be updated since we no longer do any of that. We stopped when universal login was rolled out, so... January 2016 or thereabouts. The last remaining auth-related feature ...
Adam Lear's user avatar
  • 160k
9 votes

Cloudflare protection is triggering on Stack Overflow authentication API routes

Sorry it took a while to get to me and then hunt down the issue but it should now be resolved. Part of the issue is that the managed challenge from Cloudflare was intermittent, making tracking down ...
Josh Zhang's user avatar
  • 10.5k
7 votes

Did something change with Stack Exchange's cross-domain login process? (no longer working)

I can confirm that nothing changed on our end in this area. And I can endorse rene's answer: Yes, something did change. The browsers we all use got a bit more picky about which cookies they accept. ...
Yaakov Ellis's user avatar
5 votes

Question based on Authentication

But when I am generating an access token through Postman, it is asking for user approval, but I don't need it. You do need it; an access token identifies the user. Without an approval step, I could ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 256k
4 votes

What scope to supply to get a refresh token from Stack Exchange?

Disclaimer: I'm not a Stack Exchange employee, but I'm a frequent user of the API and moderator on Stack Apps. You've read the documentation, kudos for that, and as you saw, it does not have the ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 256k
4 votes

SEDE login authentication

The Stack Exchange Data Explorer is... open source tool for running arbitrary queries against public data from the Stack Exchange network. Features include collaborative query editing for all ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 256k
4 votes

Support logging in with Apple

You missed one option that is also available and only sell you out to Stack Overflow: create an account on Stack Exchange itself. If privacy is a concern then adding Apple as login a provider seems a ...
rene's user avatar
  • 92.1k
4 votes

How can I "authenticate" my Stack Exchange API app without OAuth authenticating it?

Logging in is not required to get a higher quota, just providing the application key is enough. The current version of the documentation says: After that, applications are sorted into two distinct ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 256k
4 votes

Authentication API - port number in redirect_uri is ignored

As of the last build, ports in return redirect_uris should be preserved. In some cases the port will be stripped, but that should only happen if the port matches the default for the protocol.
Kevin Montrose's user avatar
3 votes

Can't remove applications

Thanks for the report Andre - this should be fixed and deployed network wide.
Geoff Dalgas's user avatar
  • 48.9k
3 votes

Using oAuth in API throwing internal server error

Today I learned an exciting new deficiency in ASP.NET MVC <= 5; child actions cannot be asynchronous -_- A fix has been deployed. This bug was introduced as part of some work underway that ...
Kevin Montrose's user avatar
3 votes

API authentication channelUrl from a userscript?

SE's Javascript SDK assumes that you have your own domain and that everything is same-domain. The SDK has code like: // proxyUrl must be under the currently hosting domain if (proxyUrl.toLowerCase()....
Awesome Poodles's user avatar
2 votes

Cannot login using Google authentication

Appears to be temporary problem with Google auth as login from both desktop and mobile browsers did not work. Now I'm able to login from both.
sv2's user avatar
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