I recently noticed that the vote button tooltips have changed. They now say:
Downvote this <post-type> if you find it unclear or not useful
Upvote this <post-type> if you find it clear and useful
The text changes depending on which vote you cast.
For context, the old tooltips on questions used to say:
This question shows research effort; it is useful and clear
This question does not show any research effort; it is not useful or unclear
The new text isn't that different for answers.
IMO, the former wording was way more informative (esp. for the OP).
Is "lack of research" for a question not a good reason to downvote a question anymore?
The help center still states1:
Please look around to see if your question has been asked before.
Were there some resilient statistics done about users who complained about the old wording?
1)The link to the SE internal search is a bit misleading IMO. It's well known that you'll get far better search results using extenal search engines like Google or DuckDuckGo.