Linked Questions

4 votes
0 answers

[Edit removed during grace period] [duplicate]

In the past, if you undid the changes after editing a post, the event would not show up in the revision history. Today, I noticed that a new entry is created, labelled "[Edit removed during grace ...
Rob W's user avatar
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811 votes
16 answers

Recent feature changes to Stack Exchange

This is an unofficial list/changelog of new features and various changes to Stack Overflow and the Stack Exchange network. It is maintained by the community, while a Stack Exchange employee changes ...
364 votes
16 answers

New three-tiered badge idea: Explainer →Refiner → Illuminator

The difference between a poor or meh question and a stellar question can often simply be someone understanding it and providing it a great answer. I can't begin to count the number of times I've ...
user avatar
115 votes
8 answers

Could we have the ability to mark a change as minor in questions or answers?

It would be nice to allow users to mark a change in an answer (or question) as minor (e.g. for a simple spelling or grammar correction). A change marked as minor wouldn't push the question on top of ...
Pascal Thivent's user avatar
102 votes
1 answer

How does editing work?

It is possible for users to edit an existing post. How do edits work? Who may edit a question or answer? How can you tell what has been changed between edits? For more information, see "Why can ...
29 votes
8 answers

handle 'strategic downvotes' more 'gently' [duplicate]

In this question I asked for a practical reason to lock votes after 5 minutes and Bill the Lizard and Arjan were very nice to explain the mystery. Well, vote locking seems to deal with strategic ...
Nikita Rybak's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Editors can instantly reject suggested edits without leaving a trace in the revision history

Using while ? is the ID of the post. Pressing "Save Edits" without changing the textbox on a post that has "Edit (1)", will reject the ...
Dave Chen's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Potential FGITW "fix"?

If you post an incomplete answer for FGITW, and then edit it in the intervening five minutes, adopt the last time of the five minute window as the actual timestamp. So this timestamp adjustment then ...
jcolebrand's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

How long can you change your vote?

I always thought that one can change a vote on a post only a few minutes unless it is edited. So how could someone undo his vote on that Post today since no one upvoted or edited it today? I am sure ...
juergen d's user avatar
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17 votes
1 answer

Serial downvote reversals don't always appear as such

Serial downvotes usually get detected and reversed automatically every night. This event is usually grouped under a header "Serial Downvoting Reversed" in a user's reputation history. On various ...
Bart's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How can someone remove an upvote from an answer that was posted a long time ago, and hasn't been edited? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How long can you change your vote? Re: Problem with swfobject_api or jwplayer module in Drupal I just received an 'unupvote' for the above answer. My understanding (from ...
Clive's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Spurious "code in your answer was edited" notification

I just received this notification: However, there have been no edits to the answer, so I believe the generation of the notification is a bug. Possibly relatedly, I noticed that in my the reputation ...
icktoofay's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Unupvote when no change to a Q in weeks

I've just (today) received a -5 (unupvote) for this question (Previously +1/-1). Putting aside for the moment if it should be voted up/down, can someone please explain to me how it's possible to un-...
Basic's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

odd edit behavior

A user submitted an edit for his post with the comment "edited tags": But it looks like nothing at all changed: (c and concurrency were there with ...
sarnold's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Why was I notified twice of a single edit?

In reference to this post, I received two notifications that my post was edit, but there was only one edit in the revision history. However, there was a noticeable difference in the notifications, ...
animuson's user avatar
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